The Wilders


Rune Warden: The supreme leader responsible for overall strategy and decision-making.   Field Commanders: Oversees operations in the field, coordinates the efforts against Rune Rot outbreaks.   Runebreakers: The frontline fighters trained trained in combat, Magick (Supernaturals who'd joined), and botanical knowledge.   Empirics: Those dedicated to understanding Rune Rot and developing countermeasures or potentially a cure.   Support Staff: Includes Healer aka Energy Absorbers, smiths, scholars, and logistic experts who provide essienial services to the organization.


The Wilders have forged a uniue culture centered around resilience, sacrifce, and unwavering to their mission.
  • Spartan Lifestyle: To an outsider, a Wilder's life is austere and harsh. Though, the Wilders don't think so; they believe they have all they need to be efficient and combat ready.
  • Mutal Respect: Equality and respect are core values, fostered by the shared struggle against Rune Rot
  • Spiritual Connection: The Wilders find solace and strength in a spiritual connection to nature and to Morgance, viewing their batle against Rune Rot as a sacred duty.
  • Adapability: Given the dynamic nature of their work, the Wilders must be adaptable, embracing change and innovation.

Public Agenda

The Wilders seek to be a beacon of hope in the face of the Rune Rot crisis. The public agenda focuses on:
  • Awareness: Educating the public about the dangers of the Rune Rot and the importance of prevention.
  • Recruitment: Attracting more members to bolster ranks and expand their reach.
  • Resource Aquistion: Securing funding, supplies, and support for their operations.
  • Scientific Adancement: Promoting research into Rune Rot and potiential cures.


The Wilders possess a unique blend of tangible and intangible assets:
  • Tangwynian Capital: Their most valuable asset is their skilled and dedicated personnel, trained in combat, Magick, and in scientific research.
  • Technological Resources: The Wilders invest heavily in developing tools and equipment to combat Rune Rot, such as specialized armour, weapons, and detection devices.
  • Knowledge Base: Teir extensive knowldge of Rune Rot, its behavior, and potential countermeasures is a crucial asset.
  • Public Support; The trust and respect of the public provide a vital foundation for their operations.


The Wilders were founded in the aftermath of a particularly devastating Rune Rot outbreak. A group of determined individuals united to combat the Rune Rot, vowing to protect their homeland.
  • Early Struggles: The early seasons were marked by significant challenges including a lack of resources and public distrust.
  • Growing Influence: As the Wilders achieved successes in containing Rune Rot outbreaks, thier reputation grew, leading to increased support and recruitment.
  • Expansion: The organization expanded its reach, establishing outposts in various regions to combat the threat effectively.
  • Disappearance: After Rune Rot disappeared, so it seemed did the Wilders. It was never officially disbanded but few beyond the Kings and Queens of the Kingdoms knows anything about this group.


While the Wilders don't officially have any claim on the land, they view all of the Kingdom of Aon as thier territory.

Technological Level

The Wilders posses a blend of low-tech solutions and cutting-edge innovations specifically designed for their mission.
  • Practicality: Their technology is often focused on durability, efficiency and adaptability to the harsh conditions they work in.
  • Innovation: The Wilders invest heavily in research and development, creating specialized tools and equipment to combat Rune Rot.
  • Focus on the Mission: Technology is primarily used to support their core mission, with little empasis on luxury or convience.

Foreign Relations

The Wilders maintain a complex relationship with the Kingdom of Aon. They operate independently but collaborate with the King and Queen on matters of national security and resource allocation.


The Wilders operate a rigourous training program, combining pratical skills with theoratical knowledge.
  • Field Training: A significant portion of training involves hands-on experince combating Rune Rot.
  • Academic Studies: Recruits are educated in botany, biology, and other sciences to understand the nature of Rune Rot.
  • Combat and Survival Skills: Combat and survival skills are essential to frontline members.
  • Leadership Development: Potiential leaders undergo training in strategy, tactic, and organizational skills.

Against the Rot, We Stand

The Wilders developed science and technology beyond the current Tangwynian level. They are in a pocket version of Tangwyn still fighting Rune Rot. Morgance encased them in this pocket with the Rune Rot for two reasons.
1. Their level of technology was scaring people, worse than Rune Rot outbreaks. 2. So they could study and cure Rune Rot in a controlled environment.
There are several Supernaturals who help maintain this pocket, thanks to Morgance. The Wilders have cured it and have a flourishing Soceity. When the rest of Tangwyn is ready, the Wilders once again rejoin everyone in the real universe.
Founding Date
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Articles under The Wilders

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe and DreamStudio
Character flag image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio and Canva


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