Team Member



  • Follow their team leader on missions
  • Help with training when asked
  • Protect the King

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death or Promotion.

Cultural Significance

All Defenders who have been identified with this ability wear the color red. These Defenders have control over the elements of fire, water, air, and earth. Seanna is in this category because she's fire resistant.
All telepaths wear purple. These Defenders can read minds. Currently the two strongest telepaths are Lann, and Eagan. Bryce is a unique telepath, who must catch the scent of a person to know their thoughts, but he has no way to block them.
As this is another mental ability, these Defenders wear a lighter shade of purple. They are good at moving things. They have a limited ranged but are useful for heavy items.
Wearing the lightest shade of purple yet. Clairvoyants see the future. Some are sensitive to the dead, making them useful to the Priests.
Those who wear black tend to become assassins. They are able to blend into the shadows, becoming one with darkness, like Drystan does. This is Seanna’s second ability but as with her other one, it works differently. She wraps light around herself to become invisible.
Wearing brown, these Defenders can transform themselves into animals. They are limited to just one animal, though. Some animals are useful in battle, and others not so much. These Defenders will typically rely on their second ability or their melee weapon when in combat.
Translocators are important as they can facilitate quick getaways, and help move supplies/people during peace or war. They wear silver.
Healer aka Energy Absorber
All healers are also energy absorbers. They wear yellow. The name of their abilities explains it all.
This ability is a blessing and a curse. They wear orange. Those with this ability see a variety of enhancements, such as increased speed, and heightened senses. Birkita wears this color because of her increased speed and heightened sense of smell.
Toxin Creator
These Defenders wear the color green to signify that they can create poisons in people. What they create varies from the poisons that merely irritate (gives a rash) to those that kill quickly, and everything in between. Toxin Creators are granted a certain level of immunity to poisons based on the Defender's strength.
Blood Reader
Defenders in blue read people blood (DNA). They can tell if people are related, whether or not they are of noble birth, and any sickness (diseases, poisons, or other ill-effects) by looking at someone.
Magical, Professional
Still in Effect
09/01/0008 During Civil War
Form of Address
Master Defender, [Name]
Source of Authority
The Marshal
Length of Term
Current Holders
Reports directly to
Related Organizations
Related Military Formations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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