The Seeds Blossom

In the age before recorded history, when the first rays of Morgance's starlight touched the unformed world, a darkness stirred. This primordial entity, known only as the Devourer, threatened to consume all creation and plunge the world back into eternal night. Morgance battled the Devourer in a celestial dance of light and shadow. Though she vanquished the beast, a sliver of its essence clung to the fledgling world, a stain on the fabric of reality. From this taint arose shadows deeper than any natural darkness, harboring whispers of the Devourer's malice.   Fearing this lingering darkness might corrupt the hearts of mortals, Morgance sought champions. She reached out to a select few, those with unwavering loyalty and hearts untouched by shadows. These chosen ones were imbued with a unique gift – the ability to become one with the shadows themselves. They could vanish from sight, weaving through darkness like phantoms, unseen and unheard. Thus, the Order of Jalan of Jalan was born, named after the first shadow dancer blessed by Morgance.   For thirteen generations, spanning 130 seasonal cycles, the Order of Jalan served as Morgance's silent hand. They became instruments of balance, eliminating those who strayed from the path of righteousness. Corrupt nobles who hoarded resources while their people starved, kings who reveled in cruelty, and sorcerers who dabbled in forbidden magic – all faced the swift, silent justice of the Jalan. Their targets never saw them coming, one moment basking in power, the next vanishing into oblivion. A chilling whisper, a flicker of darkness, and then silence.   However, the Order of Jalan held a sacred vow. They were Morgance's assassins, but not her executioners. Their targets were never innocent, never those who strayed out of ignorance or weakness. The Jalan meticulously investigated their marks, ensuring that only the truly wicked felt the sting of their blades. They were the unseen guardians, ensuring the balance of Morgance's creation, and a chilling reminder that even in the deepest darkness, justice could find its mark.

In this story, the believers who wrote refused to call Tynan by his name so they called the Devourer. And while they were correct that the Order of Jalan took out many high ranking officials, they were wrong about the how the Order came into being.   On top of this, the Order wasn't as pure as they wanted to remember. The origins of the Order are steeped in revenge and blood. Yes, their actions did help many but that doesn't mean it was the right way to do things.

Cover image: by Lady Wynter (NightCafe and DreamStudio)(manipulated on Krita)


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