Order of Jalan: Seeds of Legend


Morgance granted a select few the ability to blend into the darkness and the shadows in order to exact her orders on who was worthy to live or not.   In 130 seasonal cycles, the Order of Jalan carried out Morgance against nobles, kings, the corrupt and the evil, always protecting the innocent.

Historical Basis

There are Supernaturals who are able to blend into the shadows. Whether or not any of them were members of the Order of Jalan is unknown.   The Order did exist and were adept at remaining unseen when they wanted. They were good at protecting the innocent by going after the nobles and others in power who weren't doing their job correctly.   The real story is written by the Order, and hidden in secret room in the Palace of the City of Darktide. It is eventually found by a member of the Darktide Defenders.


The Order of Jalan was whispered about while during their 'reign' and even for a few seasonal cycles after the ritual death of the last of their members. Eventually, the nobles and the Queen of the Kingdom of Aon relaxed and stopped talking about them because there were no further attacks.   There was a group of regulars (commoners) continued to talk about the Order, writing the legend as they remembered it, and worshipping the Andack Mountains. Unfortunately, they were all lost in a particularly viscious avalanche one winter. While their bodies were found and delivered to the nearest Priest, their belongings (including) the legend was never recovered. Because of their status in society and the fact they were considered mad, made recovering their belongings unimportant.
Date of First Recording
03/20/2581 Before Civil War
Date of Setting
2581 to 2710 Before Civil War
Telling / Prose
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Articles under Order of Jalan: Seeds of Legend

Cover image: by Lady Wynter (NightCafe and DreamStudio)(manipulated on Krita)


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