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Dunorians (Doo-NOR-ree-an)

The Dunorians are the descendants of the Dunethi, the first and most powerful of the human tribes that emerged after the end of the First War of Ashes. They came from the west, where, according to legend, they came across the Hesporian Ocean. The Dunethi were ethnically distinct from all of their surrounding tribes of brightkin, which supported the idea that they had come from elsewhere. Under the leadership of Asgal the Golden, the Dunethi founded the city of Dunethel, and the empire of Dunor, which then proceeded to expand and conquer most of western Sildair, starting the Golden Epoch.   The Dunorians make their living as farmers and traders, and many Dunorians are professionel soldiers as well, either part of Dunor's standing army, or mercenaries.   Human Dunorians who descend from the Dunethi have dark brown skin, and thick, curly, black or brown hair. They make up the vast majority of Dunorians, though the city of Dunethel itself is very multi-cultural, with many humans of other ethnicities, dwarves, elves, small folk and half-orcs.   They worship Arathion, being the culture in which The Church of Light was originally founded. Karos also has a big following, especially in the military, while Liara is worshipped by the poor and destitute in Dunethel. The other gods, with the exception of The Lords of Malice, are less commonly worshipped, but not usually frowned upon, as long as their temples pay tribute to the Church of Light.


Major language groups and dialects

The Dunorians speak Dunorian, a language that was once the lingua franca of most of western Sildair. In the Silver Epoch it has been surplanted by Sarkaran as the most common language of travellers and traders, and so it is not uncommon for Dunorians from bigger cities, or who travel alot, to have a working knowledge of Sarkaran.


Languages: Dunorian - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Javelin, Spear, Shortsword, Pike

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Calligrapher's supplies, Cartographer’s tools, Painter’s supplies, Woodcarver's tools
A Dunorian Priestess of Karos.
Since the Second War of Ashes Dunor has had a standing professionel army, that reconquered Dunor's lost lands, and now stand guard on the eastern border to the Ash Wastes.


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