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Firekin - Dwarves

Firekin, known also as Duari og dwarves, are one of the First Races, the creations of Luseidos the Fire God. They have made their home primarily in around two cities: Fiorheim and Duurheim. In the Silver Epoch, dwarves tend to be categorized, by both themselves and others, as mountain dwarves and hill dwarves. Mountain dwarves live under the mountains, and keep to the old ways of mining and trading, while hill dwarves live in the lands above their underground kin, often among humans, doing farming and herding.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Dwarves are usually stocky and powerful, with broader bodies than humans, and they are, of course, shorter, though not by that much. Dwarf men and women vary about as much, and in about the same ways as humans. Mountain dwarves tend towards paler, sometimes ashen skin, while hill dwarves vary in skin colour as much as humans, depending on where they live. While mountain dwarf males pride themselves on growing enormous facial hair, often being called "longbeards" by their hill cousins, they only tend slightly towards more body hair than humans, and their tendency towards impressive hairgrowth is primarily a cultural one. Dwarf women do not, as a rule, grow any more facial hair than human women, and mountain dwarf women tend to grow their hair long instead, an equally respected practice as the facial hair of their male counterparts. Some Hill Dwarves keep similar practices, but many others style themselves much more like the humans of the lands they inhabit. All dwarves mature physically at around age 18, and their natural lifespan is between 70 and 110 years.

Civilization and Culture


The dwarves settled in their present day lands early on in the Dawn Epoch, and have succeeded in staying there, for the most part. Both Fiorheim and Duurheim started out as mining colonies at this time, and all dwarves lived above ground. The divergence between Hill and Mountain Dwarves happened gradually, as they miners dug deeper and deeper into the mountains, and started living most of their lives underground. Mountain dwarves during this time became ever more dependent on trading their mineral riches for food, primarily with their Hill Dwarf cousins, but more and more with human farmers as well. This division of labour became so pronounced, that when the War of the Raiders broke out, The Mountain Dwarves of Duurheim and Fiorheim suffered greatly from famine, as their trading partners above ground stopped trading with them, and left the Mountain Dwarves to fend for themselves. Under the leadership of Aramaar II, known as "The Mushroom King", Duurheim instituted a massive infrastructure project, creating mushroom farms underground, to make mountain dwarves more resource independent. These practices were quickly adobted in the Northern Kingdoms, and in the Silver Epoch, Mountain dwarves have become more, though not fully, resource independent, relying on mushroom and moss farming, which in turn helps feed their livestock, primarily Cave Hogs.


The Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules for dwarves in Sildair, also called Firekin:
ability score increase: Hybrid dwarves increase CON by 2. Full race Mountain Dwarves also increase their STR by 2, while Hill Dwarves increase their STR and WIS by 1 each.
age: Dwarves have a natural lifespan between 70 and 110 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 25 ft
Languages: Any granted by their cultural background.
race features:
Hybrid Features:
Protection of the Shaper:
Dwarves have advantage on saving throws against fire, and they have resistance against fire damage.
Dwarven Resilience:
Dwarves have advantage on constitution checks.

Full Race Features:
Dwarven Toughness: Dwarves increase their hit point maximum by 1, and it increases by 1 every time they gain a level.
Dwarven Endurance: Dwarves' speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Underground vision: Mountain dwarves have become accustomed to the darkness underground, and have Darkvision. This does not apply to hill dwarves.
Genetic Descendants
90 years
Average Height
124 cm - 158 cm
Average Weight
60 kg - 100 kg


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