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Half dwarves are one of the most common hybrids in Sildair, especially in Gorlmark. The most conservative clans among the Fiorans and Duurians are often opposed to mixed marriages, but hill dwarves generally have no such qualms, nor is cultural disapproval any guarantee against interspecies unions happening anyway, from time to time. Furthermore, the origins of the Gorl as a people goes back to human and dwarf settlers moving west together, and today pretty much every Gorl has some mix of human and dwarf blood.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Half-dwarves are practically indistinguishable from humans on the surface, especially after a couple of generations, which is to say, unless their parents were one full blood human and one full blood dwarf, the distinct features of each parent species are difficult for the untrained eye to notice. Never the less, underneath the skin their dwarf blood is still affecting them, giving them thicker bones, larger craniums and an inate resistance to fire, a gift from the progenitor of the dwarves: Luseidos, the God of Fire. Most half-dwarves are not "First generation" but rather someone whose ancestors interbred with dwarves (or humans, as it were), and some resemble either dwarves or humans much more than they resemble a mix between the two. The Gorl for example are generally as tall as humans from other parts of Sildair, but about half of them may still be biologically defined as half-dwarves, even if it's not evident from their height. Half-dwarves mature physically at around age 18, and their natural lifespan is between 70 and 100 years.

Civilization and Culture




The Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules for humans in Sildair, also called Brightkin:
ability score increase: Hybrid humans increase any two distinct abilties by 1. Full race humans also increase any ability by a further 1.
age: Humans have a natural lifespan between 65 and 85 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Any granted by their cultural background.
race features:
Hybrid Features:
Skill Versatility:
Humans have a natural gift for quick learning. You gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.
Favour of the Sun King: Before making an attack, skill check or saving throw, you can decide to have advantage (or negate disadvantage) on the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded up, and you regain expended uses following a long rest.

Full Race Features:
Superior Skill Versatility:
Full race humans gain a further advantage from skill versatility. You gain proficiency in a further skill of your choice.
Extra Feat: Choose one Feat.


The Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules for dwarves in Sildair, also called Firekin:
ability score increase: Hybrid dwarves increase CON by 2. Full race Mountain Dwarves also increase their STR by 2, while Hill Dwarves increase their STR and WIS by 1 each.
age: Dwarves have a natural lifespan between 70 and 110 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 25 ft
Languages: Any granted by their cultural background.
race features:
Hybrid Features:
Protection of the Shaper:
Dwarves have advantage on saving throws against fire, and they have resistance against fire damage.
Dwarven Resilience:
Dwarves have advantage on constitution checks.

Full Race Features:
Dwarven Toughness: Dwarves increase their hit point maximum by 1, and it increases by 1 every time they gain a level.
Dwarven Endurance: Dwarves' speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Underground vision: Mountain dwarves have become accustomed to the darkness underground, and have Darkvision. This does not apply to hill dwarves.
85 years
Average Height
144 cm - 193 cm
Average Weight
50 kg - 90 kg

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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