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The Suihai are a people living on the North Eastern coast of Sildair, where it is said the gods broke off a peace of the world that they brought to a different part of the cosmos. They are a proud people, whose relationship to the gods is very different from many other peoples of Sildair, in that their land is defined by the War of Ashes in ways that most others aren't.

The Suihai are farmers, traders, and warriors, and they are also famed for their philosophers, many of whom are monks from the many temples of Suihai.

The Suihai do not worship the gods of the pantheon, with the occational exception of Rhya, but they do recognize their existence. Instead, they worship the Qiu-Dragon Yanlei, whom they believe tried to stop the sundering of the world.


Major language groups and dialects

The Suihai speak Suihanese. Traders and merchants are as likely to speak Tetsugawan or Kusharan as they are to speak Sarkaran or Dunorian.


Languages: Suihanese - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Quarterstaff, Shortbow, Shortsword, Glaive

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Caligrapher's tools, Weaver's tools, Woodcarver's tools, Herbalism Kit
A monk of the Open Hand.
The Wall seperating Suihai and the Ash Wastes, which has come under attack many times both before and after the Second War of Ashes.


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