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The Creation Of The World

The creation of the world is one myth that most all sapient creatures of Sildair tell in much the same way.


It is said, that the Seven were born out of the aether all at once. Together they floated through the aether, slowly getting to understand themselves and each other.

As their understanding of themselves grew, it came to pass that Ethelaius and Luseidos began to fight, like young brothers brawling. Luseidos lit the aether in fire, which made it take the form of lava, and Ethelaius in turn shaped the aether into water, which he threw on the lava, hardening it into stone. Thus was the earth and the seas created, in a struggle between the primeval forces of fire and water. Arathion saw the light of Luseidos' fire and decided to create the sun, to light up the world, but Baal saw the light and shunned it, pushing the sun under the horizon, and now Arathion and Baal began fighting too. Now Rhya stepped between Ethelauis and Luseidos and she breathed life in the soil so that everywhere where the water fell plants grew, and she said: "Look brothers, when water and fire meets, life springs forth. You should not fight, but celebrate what you have helped me create." This calmed the gods of fire and water, and they embraced their sister.

Now Liadriel stepped between Arathion and Baal, and he pulled the sun back up, but then spun it around the world, making night and day, saying: "Look brothers, the darkness and the light can exist together, as night and day, there is no need to fight." But this did not satisfy Arathion, who loved the light, and so Morgesh asked each god to create a moon, to light up the nightsky. Each god made a moon and the night became brighter, and Baal was satisfied too, as he got to make a moon of his own. But still, Arathion was not satisfied, and so Liadriel quickly stepped between the brothers and cast the stars on the night sky, to make more light for Arathion. Baal saw the stars and found them beautiful, but he resented how his beloved darkness was shunned and set aside again and again.

Thus was planted a seed of disdain in Baal's heart, and the eventual sundering of the Seven was fated.


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