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Between the Blacktallow Mountains to the west and the Mountains of Guuldraig to the east lies the Valley of Thua, home of the nomadic culture known as the Thualians. Made up mostly of orcs and goblins, the Thualians live a harsh life, threatened by starvation, natural disasters, and dangerous wildlife. Considered outcasts by all, even the Shadowkin and the dark elves, the Thualians rely on noone but themselves, and have no qualms about raiding their neighbours to all sides.

Thualians make their living as raiders and robbers, pouring out over all of western and nothern Sildair to raid the lands of those who have cast them out. Many are also skilled trackers, hunters and outriders, as life in the Thualian Barrens call for it.

Most Thualians are orcs and goblins, and certainly their clans rule the Barrens, but there are many other races that survive, if not thrive in the Valley of Thua, including elves, humans and Shadowkin.

Most Thualians worship Asha & Orgus, even if they are not orcs, and when they don't, primitive shamanistic worship of Anira, Rhya, Ethelaius and Baphomet is the most common.


Major language groups and dialects

Most everyone in the valley of Thua speak the tongue of the orcs, which is, unsurprisingly, called Thualian. Sarkaran and the Black Forest dialect of Yunathran is also heard fairly often on the Barrens.


Languages: Thualian - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Greatclub, Javelin, Flail, Maul

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Leatherworker's tools, Cook's Utensils, Woodcarver's tools, Herbalism Kit
Few things are as feared by civilized people as the sight of a Thualian Raider.
Life is harsh in the Thualian Barrens, and the orcs have learned to travel with the migration of the herds of their prey animals and the changing of the seasons, not to mention with the opportunities for raiding.


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