Intro to SilentForge

Welcome to Kaerel

Kaerel is a dangerous and magical place, shattered by the memory of war and splintered by the endless quest for more power. Battles are fought both in the open and in the shadows, both on the battlefield and in the grand courts. Strange, immortal beings lurk just out of sight, influencing the course of history towards some unknown outcome. Orcs are organizing in greater numbers and power than ever before. Magic saturates the world, altering it in strange and fantastic ways. Ancient secrets, long forgotten, are starting to make their way into the present. Now is the time for heroes and explorers to make their name.

What do Adventurers Do?

Adventurers have no lack of options when it comes to making a name for themselves. Recent events have led to the exposure of ancient ruins ripe for exploration. Nations war with one another and are constantly looking for new recruits to their cause. Magic is everywhere, and only the bravest (or foolish) dare to test its limits for the promise of new power. Mysterious beings have been reported to be amongst mortalkind, and many would like to know who (or what) they are and what they want. The orcs are congregating into nations, turning their machines of war into an industry. Their neighbors grow nervous and anxious to know more. Daily expeditions leave from every major city, and they are constantly searching for new and promising companions. There is always an adventure just a tavern away...

Where Do Adventurers Come From?

The adventurers of the world can come from nearly any background, but all of them have somehow been scarred by the Black Diamond War. Some were children during those horrific years, while others may have served on one side or the other during the war. Either way, your character has some experience in their chosen profession. The SilentForge campaign setting is high fantasy and magic, and so it is suggested that characters begin at 5th level or higher.

Black Diamond War?

The Black Diamond War ended ten years ago, after fifty years of conflict and terror. It started with the Orcstorm War, which uncovered the truth behind the orc's real intentions. An ancient and evil primordial god was awakened and regaining power. It enhanced the orcs so that it could find the prison where its full divine power had been stripped and stored eons ago. The prison was a black diamond, hidden somewhere on Kaerel. The war that ensued to try and stop Kazek Mu'naar ripped the very fabric of magic, spilling enormous power into the world. Entire geographical regions were altered or destroyed. Creatures were enhanced, killed, or cursed. Orcs and dragons scorched the earth, killing millions. Great heroes and divine beings emerged during these cataclysmic times, finally defeating the evil at great cost.

In the years following the end of the war, nations began putting the pieces back together. There were several years of peace as everyone took care of their own. Kingdoms isolated themselves as they contemplated what to do next. In recent years, tensions have been rising as nations begin expanding once more. Trade routes are beginning to open up to foreign lands, and explorers are heading out more to discover the remnants of the war. Everyone and everything has been touched by the Black Diamond War, and people are starting to seek answers about what really happened during these tumultuous years.

Wanna know more?

History and Mythology


Playable Races


Check out Lorvia

A land of high magic and rigid politics. They keep a wary eye on the undead to the north and pirates to the east. Experimental magic rules the day, and mages rule the land.


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