Serenthia Lusilver

Lady Serenthia Lusilver- Everbloom (a.k.a. Throne's Shadow)

During the War of Black Blood, Lady Serenthia Lusilver showcased her valor, intelligence, and unmatched combat skills. In a series of strategically planned guerrilla attacks, she successfully crippled a major supply line of Chieftain Gorthank's forces. This singular act shifted the balance of the war in favor of Queen Nonsi’s side, and it was only a taste of Serenthia's brilliance on the battlefield. However, it was the Battle of Darkened Veil, a pivotal moment in the War of Black Blood, where she truly became a legend. As the story goes, surrounded and heavily outnumbered by Gorthank's elite warriors, Serenthia invoked the shadow magic she was renowned for and created an immense veil of darkness that disoriented her foes. In this darkness, her twin short swords, "Moon's Whisper" and "Shadow's Kiss", moved like streaks of silver lightning, felling foes left and right. When the veil lifted, Serenthia stood, surrounded by defeated enemies, her swords dripping with the "Black Blood" of the orcs. Her valor and skills at the Battle of Darkened Veil became the stuff of legends, songs, and tales in Uthar.   Following the war, Lady Serenthia did not just rest on her laurels. She played an integral part in rebuilding efforts and promoting peace. She established the Lusilver Academy in Uthar, dedicated to training a new generation in the arts of diplomacy, combat, and shadow magic, ensuring the drow’s continued prosperity and defense.   Her legacy became even more enduring during the time of the Great Exodus. At an impressive age of 772, Serenthia still played an active role in Uthar's politics. When the inhabitants of Va'len were forced to flee due to the Goluk War, it was Serenthia who pushed for Uthar to become a sanctuary for them. She personally led missions to escort refugees safely to Uthar, using her shadow magic to hide them from Goluk war parties.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Lady Serenthia Lusilver was renowned not just for her leadership and strategic acumen, but also for her unique abilities that set her apart in the world of Eos. These talents played a crucial role in her achievements and added to her legendary status.  
  • Mastery of Shadow Magic
Serenthia was an adept in the arcane art of shadow magic. This allowed her to meld into shadows, become nearly invisible in low light, and move with a stealth that was almost supernatural. She could also manipulate shadows to create illusions or distractions, making her an unpredictable adversary in combat.  
  • Dual Swordsmanship
With her twin short swords, "Moon's Whisper" and "Shadow's Kiss", Serenthia was a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Her skills with these blades were unparalleled, allowing her to take on multiple adversaries with grace and efficiency.  
  • Eilistraee's Blessing
As a devout follower and high priestess of Eilistraee, Serenthia was occasionally blessed with divine intervention. This could manifest as a sudden insight, a protective barrier, or even a surge of strength when she needed it most.  
  • Enhanced Agility
Serenthia possessed agility that went beyond the natural prowess of the drow. Her reflexes and speed, honed through years of training and real-world combat, made her a nimble and elusive target.  
  • Mental Fortitude
While not a "magical" ability per se, Serenthia's mental strength and resilience were notable. She had the ability to resist most forms of mental manipulation, be it enchantments or attempts to invade her thoughts.  
  • Empathic Connection
Over the years, Serenthia developed a keen sense of empathy, allowing her to pick up on the emotions and feelings of those around her. This helped her in diplomatic endeavors and in understanding the needs of her people.  
  • Lunar Affinity
On nights when the moon was prominently visible, Serenthia's powers seemed to amplify. Her shadow magic was more potent, and her connection to Eilistraee felt stronger, making her even more formidable.  
  • Ritualistic Dance
In line with the teachings of Eilistraee, Serenthia could perform ritualistic dances that invoked blessings or even minor miracles. These dances were a combination of worship, magic, and her deep connection to the deity.  
  • Aura of Leadership
Those in Serenthia's presence often felt an inexplicable urge to follow and trust her. While partly due to her charisma, there was an almost mystical quality to her aura that inspired loyalty and devotion.  
  • Healing Touch
While not a primary healer, Serenthia had acquired basic healing abilities through her connection with Eilistraee. She could soothe minor injuries and provide relief, especially during critical moments on the battlefield.   These abilities, combined with her intrinsic qualities of leadership, wisdom, and compassion, made Lady Serenthia Lusilver not just a legendary figure in Uthar's history but also a beacon of hope and a symbol of the limitless potential of the drow on the surface world.

Specialized Equipment

Over the course of her remarkable journey, Lady Serenthia Lusilver acquired and used several pieces of specialized equipment. These items, crafted with precision and imbued with magic or symbolic significance, were a testament to her status, skills, and the challenges she faced.   1. Twin Swords - "Moon's Whisper" and "Shadow's Kiss
  • Description: These twin short swords were crafted from a unique blend of metals found both in the Underdark and on the surface. Their blades were sleek, sharp, and bore intricate patterns representing Serenthia's dual heritage.
  • Abilities: "Moon's Whisper" had the power to absorb and reflect moonlight, often disorienting opponents in combat. "Shadow's Kiss" was attuned to Serenthia's shadow magic, allowing her to meld it with shadows or even momentarily solidify shadows into tangible forms.
  • 2. Lusilver's Mantle
  • Description: A dark cloak adorned with silver embroidery representing the night sky and the phases of the moon. It was fashioned from silk and spider silk, combining the best of surface and Underdark craftsmanship.
  • Abilities: When worn, this mantle granted Serenthia enhanced stealth abilities. It allowed her to blend seamlessly into her surroundings during nighttime or in dimly lit areas.
  • 3. Moonstone Circlet
  • Description: A delicate silver circlet embedded with a moonstone in its center. The moonstone was a rare gem acquired during one of Serenthia's early expeditions on the surface.
  • Abilities: The circlet amplified Serenthia's connection to Eilistraee, especially during nights of the full moon. It also aided in focusing her magical abilities and provided a barrier against mental intrusions.
  • 4. Gauntlets of the Twilight Guard - Description: A pair of form-fitting gauntlets made of reinforced leather and silver. They bore the emblem of the Twilight Guard and had intricate patterns of protection etched onto them.
  • Abilities: These gauntlets enhanced Serenthia's grip on her weapons and provided protection against magical and physical attacks. They also allowed her to channel her shadow magic in a more controlled manner, focusing her powers through her hands.
  • 5. Eilistraee's Locket
  • Description: A silver locket with an engraving of Eilistraee's symbol. Inside the locket was a tiny shard from a sacred moonwell, a gift from a high priestess during Serenthia's early days as a follower of Eilistraee.
  • Abilities: The locket acted as a protective charm, shielding Serenthia from dark magic and curses. In times of dire need, the shard within could be invoked for a burst of moonlight, illuminating the surroundings and providing a momentary sanctuary.
  • Each piece of equipment held deep personal significance for Serenthia. They were not just tools of combat or defense but also symbols of her identity, her beliefs, and her undying commitment to the people of Uthar.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Born in the darkened corridors of the Underdark, Serenthia Lusilver was a drow defined by the haunting melodies and the stifling politics of her subterranean world. Her early life, illuminated by the faint bioluminescence of the Underdark, was shaped by rigorous training and survival amidst constant treachery. She bore a deep charcoal-black skin, reflecting her drow heritage, and luminescent grey eyes that mirrored her determination.   This young drow, graced with a deep sense of curiosity, often questioned the oppressive reign of Lolth, the Spider Queen, who held dominion over the Underdark. The very terrain she grew up in seemed to mirror the confinement and chains Lolth represented. But her fate would be rewritten by an unexpected meeting with Rion Nonsi.   Rion Nonsi, guided by visions from the deity Eilistraee, aspired to lead the drow away from their ensnared existence in the Underdark. Serenthia, upon hearing of these visions and Rion's dream of freedom, felt an intrinsic connection. Together, they became the voice of change, a beacon for those seeking a life beyond the restrictive depths.   As their influence grew, so did the resistance from the followers of Lolth. Battles were waged, alliances forged, and slowly the dream of ascending to the surface became a tangible goal. This journey of uprising and desire for freedom culminated in what became known as the Nonsi Rebellion. The drow, under the leadership of Rion Nonsi and her trusted ally Serenthia, navigated the treacherous paths of the Underdark to seek a new beginning.   However, as they neared their long-cherished dream, a cataclysmic event shook the very core of their world. "The Collapse" shattered the landscapes of Sirion. Mountains erupted, landmasses sank, and the once-stable world transformed into a realm of chaos and despair. Amidst this upheaval, the drow's escape from the Underdark took on an even more desperate edge. Against this backdrop of chaos, Rion, with Serenthia by her side, led the drow to the safety of the Rachnora Range, establishing the new nation of Uthar.   Uthar was not just a new homeland; it symbolized the drow's rebirth, their emergence from a world of darkness to one of possibilities. Serenthia, with her unparalleled combat skills, played a crucial role in establishing and defending this young nation. Her abilities in shadow magic became legendary, especially during the War of Black Blood, where her tactics and skills turned the tide in favor of Uthar.   Yet, beyond her combat prowess, Serenthia's connection with Eilistraee and her commitment to the teachings of the deity played a profound role in shaping Uthar's ethos. Through her efforts, the Church of Eilistraee was founded in Uthar, and many drow found solace in its teachings.   The profound effects of The Collapse echoed throughout Serenthia's life, not just in the challenges it posed but in the opportunities it presented. She played a pivotal role in Uthar's efforts to heal, rebuild, and foster a sense of unity. The bond she shared with Rion Nonsi deepened, as did her commitment to her people and their future on the surface.   Serenthia's life story is a reflection of the broader journey of the drow – from oppression to freedom, from darkness to light. Her relationship with Rion Nonsi, her dedication to the teachings of Eilistraee, and her unwavering resolve in the face of adversity make her an enduring symbol of hope, resilience, and the undying spirit of Uthar and its people.


    In the intricate web of the Underdark, knowledge was both a weapon and a shield. The drow's education system was multifaceted, balancing the martial with the arcane, and the political with the cultural. Serenthia Lusilver's education was a mirror of this diverse system, but with certain peculiarities tailored to her lineage and potential.   1. Martial Training Belonging to a line of esteemed warriors, Serenthia's martial education commenced at a tender age. Trained under renowned drow warriors, she was taught the art of drow combat, which emphasized agility, stealth, and precision. She mastered both ranged weapons, like the hand crossbow, and melee combat, particularly her iconic twin short swords. This training was not just about techniques but also the psychology of battle, teaching her to anticipate moves, strategize, and adapt to evolving combat scenarios.   2. Arcane Studies Serenthia was naturally attuned to the arcane arts, a gift she honed under the tutelage of the Underdark's esteemed magi. She studied the foundational principles of magic, focusing on spells that complemented her combat style. This is where she first discovered her innate talent for shadow magic. Under the guidance of shadowmancers, she learned to manipulate darkness, melding it with her stealth techniques.   3. Political Indoctrination The politics of the Underdark was a treacherous game of power and alliances. As part of her education, Serenthia was exposed to the intricacies of drow politics. She attended sessions that discussed the history of major drow houses, the significance of Lolth in their societal structure, and the delicate art of diplomacy and intrigue. This education was crucial for survival, as the politics in the Underdark could be as deadly as any physical combat.   4. Cultural and Religious Immersion Drow culture was rich with rituals, dances, and songs. Serenthia was taught the traditional dances of the drow, a skill that would later resonate with her connection to Eilistraee. She also studied the legends and myths of the drow, gaining a deep understanding of her people's identity and ethos. Initially, she was inducted into the worship of Lolth, understanding the rituals and ceremonies associated with the Spider Queen.   5. Exploration and Survival The Underdark was a realm of mysteries, with its labyrinthine tunnels, caverns, and diverse ecosystems. As part of her holistic education, Serenthia participated in expeditions that ventured into uncharted regions of the Underdark. These expeditions trained her in navigation, survival skills, and also introduced her to the various creatures and civilizations that shared the subterranean world.   6. Personal Mentorship Recognizing her prodigious talents and potential, certain influential figures took a personal interest in Serenthia's growth. Under their mentorship, she gained insights that went beyond standard education. It was through one such mentor, an old drow sage disillusioned with Lolth's reign, that she was first introduced to the forbidden tales of other deities, including Eilistraee.   By the time of her transition into adulthood, Serenthia Lusilver was not only a formidable warrior but also a well-educated and insightful drow. This holistic education laid the foundation for her eventual roles as a leader, a reformer, and a beacon of hope in the tumultuous times that followed her ascent from the Underdark.


    Throughout her life, Lady Serenthia Lusilver held numerous roles and positions, each adding another layer to her multifaceted identity. These roles were not just mere titles; they were testament to her skills, commitment, and dedication to the well-being of Uthar and its people.  
    • Commander of the Twilight Guard
    As the leader of Uthar's elite group of defenders, Serenthia was responsible for the training, deployment, and strategies of this formidable force. This role required tactical genius, leadership, and a deep understanding of both potential threats and the strengths of her own warriors.  
    • High Priestess of the Church of Eilistraee
    Serenthia's spiritual journey led her to become one of the primary figures in the Church of Eilistraee in Uthar. In this role, she was responsible for leading rituals, guiding the spiritual growth of her followers, and ensuring the teachings of Eilistraee remained true to their essence.   Founder and Principal of the Lusilver Academy Recognizing the importance of education and training for Uthar's future, Serenthia founded the Lusilver Academy. As its principal, she set the curriculum, recruited the best educators, and oversaw the holistic development of its students.  
    • Diplomatic Envoy for Uthar
    Serenthia frequently represented Uthar in diplomatic missions across the continent of Eos. Her role required her to negotiate treaties, forge alliances, and ensure Uthar's interests were always at the forefront.  
    • Advisor to Queen Nonsi
    As a trusted companion and confidante to Queen Nonsi, Serenthia played a crucial role in shaping Uthar's policies and strategies. Her insights and counsel were invaluable in guiding the young drow nation.   Representative of Uthar at the United Eos Council Uthar's voice in the larger context of Eos was often carried by Serenthia as she represented the drow nation in the continental council. This role required a mix of diplomacy, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of geopolitical dynamics.  
    • Coordinator for Refugee Rehabilitation
    In the aftermath of The Collapse and the Goluk War, Serenthia played a key role in rehabilitating and integrating refugees into Uthar's society. This job required empathy, organization, and a keen sense of socio-economic dynamics.  
    • Overseer of Uthar's Defenses
    Beyond the Twilight Guard, Serenthia was instrumental in the broader defense initiatives of Uthar. She oversaw fortifications, supply chains, and ensured that Uthar was always prepared for potential threats.  
    • Cultural Ambassador
    Recognizing the importance of cultural exchange, Serenthia often took on the role of a cultural ambassador, showcasing Uthar's arts, rituals, and traditions to other nations and, in turn, bringing back insights from other cultures to Uthar.  
    • Chief Strategist during the War of Black Blood
    In one of Uthar's defining conflicts, Serenthia was at the forefront, not just as a warrior but also as the primary strategist. Her plans and tactics were pivotal in turning the tide of the war in Uthar's favor.   Each of these roles reflected different facets of Serenthia's personality and skills. Whether it was in the heat of battle, the hallowed halls of the academy, or the intricate dance of diplomacy, Serenthia Lusilver showcased an unwavering commitment to her people and her nation.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    Serenthia Lusilver's life was a series of significant accomplishments that marked her as one of the pivotal figures in drow history. Her achievements spanned the realms of combat, diplomacy, education, and spiritual guidance.   1. Warrior Extraordinaire: During the War of Black Blood, Serenthia showcased her unmatched combat skills. Her strategically planned guerrilla attacks crippled Chieftain Gorthank's supply lines, playing a significant role in turning the tide of the war in favor of Uthar. Her heroics during the Battle of Darkened Veil were legendary, where, despite being outnumbered, she single-handedly defeated many of Gorthank's elite warriors.   2. Master of Shadow Magic: Serenthia's prowess in shadow magic was unparalleled. She managed to meld this arcane art with her combat skills, creating a unique fighting style that few could counter. Her ability to invoke immense veils of darkness and move undetected made her a formidable foe on the battlefield.   3. Founder of the Lusilver Academy: Recognizing the importance of education and training for the future of Uthar, Serenthia established the Lusilver Academy. This institution became a beacon of learning, imparting skills in diplomacy, combat, shadow magic, and more. Under her guidance, the academy produced some of the finest warriors, diplomats, and mages of the next generation.   4. Advocate for Refugees: During the Great Exodus, when the inhabitants of Va'len were displaced due to the Goluk War, Serenthia championed the cause of providing sanctuary to the refugees. She personally led missions to escort them safely to Uthar, using her shadow magic to shield them from any threats.   5. High Priestess of Eilistraee: Despite learning about Eilistraee later in her life, Serenthia embraced the goddess's teachings with unmatched zeal. As the High Priestess, she played a crucial role in the establishment and growth of the Church of Eilistraee in Uthar, guiding many drow towards the path of redemption and freedom.   6. Diplomatic Achievements: As a representative of Uthar in the United Eos Council, Serenthia was instrumental in fostering alliances and ensuring that the interests of Uthar and the drow were always safeguarded. Her efforts paved the way for multiple treaties and cooperative endeavors between nations.   7. Establishment of the Twilight Guard: Recognizing the need for a specialized force to defend Uthar and its ideals, Serenthia was instrumental in forming the Twilight Guard. This elite group of defenders was trained in both traditional drow combat and the teachings of Eilistraee, making them a formidable force.   8. Personal Growth: On a more personal note, Serenthia's ability to move beyond the restrictive teachings of the Underdark and embrace a new deity and a new way of life marked a significant personal accomplishment. It showcased her adaptability, openness to change, and the depth of her character.   9. House of Lusilver-Everbloom: Her union with Lorian Everbloom and the establishment of the House of Lusilver-Everbloom was a symbol of unity, resilience, and hope for the future. Their house played key roles in shaping Uthar's destiny, cementing her legacy for generations to come.   Throughout her life, Lady Serenthia Lusilver's accomplishments were a blend of her skills, beliefs, and her undying commitment to the betterment of her people. Her legacy remains a source of inspiration for the drow and for all of Eos.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    No life, no matter how illustrious, is without its setbacks, and Lady Serenthia Lusilver was no exception. While her achievements were many, she also faced moments of failure and embarrassment that shaped her character and decision-making in the years that followed.  
    • The Fall of Nareth's Pass 
    In one of the early campaigns during the War of Black Blood, Serenthia led a contingent of Uthar's forces to defend Nareth's Pass, a strategic location. Despite her meticulous planning, her forces were ambushed due to a betrayal within the ranks. The pass was lost temporarily, and the defeat weighed heavily on Serenthia.  
    • Misjudgment of Loyalties
    Trusting certain individuals from her past led to internal strife within Uthar. A particular drow noble she vouched for turned out to be a spy for the remnants of Lolth's followers. This incident led to a temporary weakening of her position within Queen Nonsi’s council.  
    • The Midnight Ritual Blunder
    In her early days as a High Priestess of Eilistraee, because the religion was so new, Serenthia mistakenly performed a ritual out of sequence. Though it had no severe consequences, it became a topic of whispered gossip among the drow, causing her slight embarrassment.  
    • Failed Diplomatic Mission
    Serenthia once traveled to the city of Tamur in the nation of Quazadun to broker a peace treaty. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't bridge the deep-seated mistrust between the two parties. Her inability to secure the treaty was seen as a diplomatic failure, casting doubts on her capabilities in some circles.  
    • The Twilight Guard Incident
    An elite group from the Twilight Guard, under her direct command, was captured during a reconnaissance mission in enemy territory. Even though they were eventually rescued, the incident raised questions about her leadership and strategy.  
    • Public Confrontation
    During a public gathering in Uthar, a young drow openly challenged Serenthia's decisions and policies. Instead of handling it diplomatically, Serenthia momentarily let her emotions get the better of her, leading to a heated and public argument. This incident was a stark reminder of the scrutiny leaders are under and the importance of maintaining composure.  
    • Overextension of Resources
    In her zeal to expand Uthar's influence and ensure its security, Serenthia once spread the nation's resources too thin. This overextension led to short-term vulnerabilities, making some regions of Uthar temporarily susceptible to raids and incursions.   While these failures and embarrassments were setbacks in her illustrious journey, they also provided invaluable lessons for Serenthia. They taught her the importance of introspection, the value of surrounding oneself with trustworthy advisors, and the need to continuously evolve and adapt. Over time, these experiences honed her leadership skills, making her a more empathetic and effective leader for Uthar and its people.

    Mental Trauma

    While Lady Serenthia Lusilver's life was marked by numerous accomplishments and moments of profound strength, it was also punctuated by experiences that left deep psychological scars. Her journey from the dark confines of the Underdark to the expanse of the surface world, with all its challenges and adversities, had a profound impact on her psyche.  
    • Loss of Loved Ones
    During the escape from the Underdark and the subsequent wars and skirmishes, Serenthia lost many close to her. The weight of each loss, especially those she felt responsible for, left a lingering shadow of grief.  
    • Betrayals
    The Underdark was rife with deceit, and Serenthia was no stranger to betrayal. Memories of those she once trusted turning on her haunted her, making it challenging to give her trust freely in later years.  
    • Survivor's Guilt
    Having made it to the surface and witnessing many of her kin succumb to the challenges of the journey or the battles, Serenthia grappled with survivor's guilt, often questioning why she survived while others didn't.  
    • The Weight of Leadership
    Being in a position of leadership meant making hard choices, some of which had unfortunate outcomes. The lives lost under her command, or decisions that adversely impacted her people, weighed heavily on her mind.  
    • Confrontation with Past
    Despite leaving the Underdark, its memories were indelible. Encounters with drow who still followed Lolth or reminders of the cruelties of her former home triggered episodes of trauma.  
    • The Collapse
    The cataclysmic event of The Collapse, though impacting everyone, had a significant effect on Serenthia. The sheer scale of devastation and the powerlessness against such an event left psychological scars.  
    • Isolation
    While she was surrounded by loyalists and followers, the weight of her responsibilities often left Serenthia feeling isolated. As the saying goes, "It's lonely at the top." This loneliness sometimes manifested in moments of introspective sorrow.  
    • Pressure to Uphold an Image
    Being celebrated as a hero and a beacon of hope put immense pressure on Serenthia to always uphold this image. The fear of letting down those who looked up to her and the need to always appear strong took a toll on her mental well-being.  
    • Religious Struggles
    Her transition from the ways of Lolth to embracing Eilistraee wasn't seamless. There were moments of doubt, guilt over past actions, and an internal struggle to reconcile with her new beliefs.  
    • Fear of Regression
    Having witnessed the transformation of the drow society in Uthar and the strides they took towards a brighter future, Serenthia harbored a deep-seated fear of regression. The idea that Uthar might fall back to its old ways was a source of anxiety.   Recognizing the weight of her traumas, Serenthia often sought solace in private rituals, the comforting dance to Eilistraee, or confiding in her closest confidantes, like Queen Nonsi. Over time, she also became a beacon for others, helping them navigate their traumas and showcasing that vulnerability and strength can coexist.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    The depth and breadth of Lady Serenthia Lusilver's intellectual prowess played a significant role in her successes and leadership capabilities. Her mind was a fascinating blend of the analytical and the imaginative, enabling her to navigate both the battlefield and the intricacies of drow politics with finesse.  
    • Analytical Mind
    Serenthia possessed a sharp analytical mind, allowing her to quickly dissect complex problems and situations. This was particularly evident during her tactical decisions in the War of Black Blood, where she frequently outmaneuvered her adversaries through careful thought and planning.  
    • Historical Knowledge
    She held a deep understanding of the drow's history, their struggles, and their evolution as a people. This historical knowledge often informed her decisions, ensuring that the mistakes of the past were not repeated.  
    • Strategic Vision
    Beyond the immediate, Serenthia was capable of long-term strategic thinking. She often planned several steps ahead, anticipating potential challenges and laying the groundwork for future initiatives.  
    • Philosophical Inclinations
    Serenthia frequently contemplated the deeper questions of existence, purpose, and destiny. Her conversion to the teachings of Eilistraee was as much an intellectual journey as it was a spiritual one.  
    • Empathetic Intelligence
    One of Serenthia's defining intellectual characteristics was her ability to understand and relate to others. This emotional intelligence enabled her to connect with a diverse range of individuals, from battle-hardened warriors to the common citizens of Uthar.  
    • Curiosity
    Despite her elevated position and achievements, Serenthia retained a genuine curiosity about the world. This thirst for knowledge made her a lifelong learner, always eager to understand new cultures, arcane mysteries, or innovative tactics.  
    • Adaptability
    Her intellectual flexibility allowed her to adapt to changing circumstances. Whether it was the shift from the Underdark to the surface or the transition from warrior to stateswoman, Serenthia's mind was always open to change and growth.  
    • Diplomatic Tact
    Navigating the complex web of politics and alliances required a nuanced understanding of diplomacy. Serenthia had the intellectual tact to handle sensitive matters with grace, ensuring Uthar's interests while fostering positive relations.  
    • Moral Reasoning
    Serenthia's intellectual characteristics also extended to her sense of morality. She often grappled with the moral implications of her decisions, striving to find a balance between the greater good and the individual rights of her people.  
    • Artistic Appreciation
    While primarily known for her strategic and analytical capabilities, Serenthia also had an appreciation for the arts. Her understanding of drow dances, rituals, and music added depth to her intellectual persona.   Throughout her life, Serenthia Lusilver's intellectual characteristics not only shaped her own destiny but also had a profound impact on Uthar's trajectory. Her wisdom, foresight, and depth of thought were foundational pillars in the establishment and growth of the drow nation on the surface.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Serenthia Lusilver's life journey, from the oppressive shadows of the Underdark to the free expanse of the surface world, deeply influenced her moral compass and philosophical beliefs. Her experiences, both personal and as a leader, carved out a unique moral code that she adhered to and championed throughout her life.  
    • Belief in Redemption
    One of Serenthia's most deeply held beliefs was in the capacity for redemption. Having herself transitioned from a society bound by the dark whims of Lolth to the liberating teachings of Eilistraee, she believed that every individual had the potential to change and seek atonement.   The Greater Good While she valued individual rights and freedoms, Serenthia often had to make difficult decisions for the greater good of Uthar and its citizens. She grappled with these choices, understanding the weight of her position and the larger impact of her decisions.  
    • Equality
    Breaking away from the rigid hierarchies of the Underdark, Serenthia championed the idea of equality in Uthar. She believed that every drow, irrespective of their past affiliations or lineage, had an equal stake in the future of their nation.  
    • Personal Responsibility
    Serenthia held a strong belief in personal responsibility and accountability. Whether it was her or any member of Uthar, she believed that one's actions, especially those in positions of power, had consequences, and they should be held accountable.  
    • Peace Through Strength
    While she was a fierce warrior, Serenthia's ultimate goal was always peace and prosperity for Uthar. However, she believed that true peace could only be achieved and maintained if Uthar was strong, both in terms of military might and its societal values.  
    • Value of Knowledge
    Serenthia considered knowledge to be a guiding light, a tool to dispel ignorance and prejudice. She emphasized the importance of education in Uthar, not just as a means of personal growth but as a way to ensure the nation's continued prosperity.  
    • Harmony with Nature
    The transition from the Underdark to the surface brought with it an appreciation for the natural world. Serenthia believed in living in harmony with nature, respecting its cycles, and ensuring that Uthar's expansion didn't harm the environment.  
    • Integrity and Honesty
    Serenthia held herself and those around her to high standards of integrity and honesty. She believed that true leadership was not just about making decisions but about making them with transparency and genuine intent.  
    • Spiritual Connection
    Her relationship with Eilistraee played a significant role in shaping her morality. She believed in the importance of a spiritual connection, not just as a religious practice but as a guide for moral and ethical living.  
    • The Collective Over the Individual
    While she recognized and celebrated individual achievements, Serenthia's philosophy leaned towards the collective welfare of Uthar. In her view, the drow had survived and thrived because they came together as one, and this unity was their true strength.   In essence, Lady Serenthia Lusilver's morality and philosophy were a reflection of her life's journey. She was a beacon of hope, embodying values of redemption, responsibility, and resilience. Her beliefs played a crucial role in shaping the ethos of Uthar and continue to inspire generations of drow.


    Given Lady Serenthia Lusilver's journey from the stifling traditions of the Underdark to the liberated surface world of Uthar, her beliefs were shaped by both her past and her newfound freedom. Several things were considered taboo for her, both personally and as cultural shifts she implemented or championed in Uthar:  
    • Blind Allegiance
    Having witnessed the dangers of blind devotion to Lolth in the Underdark, Serenthia considered such unwavering, unthinking loyalty a taboo. She believed in informed choice and personal understanding rather than just following tradition for tradition's sake.  
    • Blood Sacrifice
    Traditional drow rituals in honor of Lolth often involved sacrifices, sometimes even sentient beings. For Serenthia, especially after embracing Eilistraee's teachings, such practices were strictly taboo and were abolished in Uthar.  
    • Betrayal of Kin
    The drow societies in the Underdark were often rife with internal betrayals, with families turning on each other for power. Serenthia viewed betraying one's own family or kin for personal gain as one of the highest taboos.  
    • Slavery
    The drow were known to keep slaves in the Underdark. Upon their emergence to the surface world and under Serenthia's influence, the practice of keeping or trading slaves was deemed taboo and was strictly outlawed in Uthar.  
    • Desecration of Nature 
    Experiencing the beauty of the surface world and its natural wonders, Serenthia held the desecration of nature, whether it be mindless deforestation or polluting water sources, as taboo. She championed a harmonious coexistence with the environment.  
    • Oppression of the Weak
    In the Underdark, might often made right. Serenthia, however, believed in the protection and upliftment of the weaker sections of society. Any act that oppressed or took undue advantage of the weak was a taboo for her.  
    • Muzzling Free Expression
    Having seen the dangers of a society where questioning or expressing dissent was punishable, Serenthia considered it taboo to suppress free thought or expression in Uthar.  
    • Misuse of Arcane Powers
    Serenthia held a deep respect for the arcane arts, but she considered the misuse of such powers, especially for personal gain or to harm innocents, as taboo.  
    • Dishonesty in Leadership
    For Serenthia, leadership was a sacred duty. Any form of dishonesty, whether it be hiding the truth from the populace or manipulating them for personal ends, was deemed taboo.  
    • Exclusion Based on Belief
    While the drow of Uthar predominantly followed Eilistraee under Serenthia and Queen Nonsi's guidance, forcibly converting or excluding someone based on their beliefs was taboo. The freedom to choose one's path, so long as it didn't harm others, was paramount.   These taboos, while deeply personal to Serenthia, also became the bedrock of the ethical and moral guidelines of Uthar. Through them, she sought to build a society that was just, fair, and compassionate, distancing the drow from the darker aspects of their past.

    Personality Characteristics


    1. Redemption and Transformation of the Drow
  • Origin: Born in the oppressive environment of the Underdark, under the cruel dominion of Lolth, Serenthia had witnessed the darker aspects of drow society firsthand. Her early rebellions and eventual embrace of Eilistraee's teachings shaped her motivation to change the narrative surrounding the drow.
  • Manifestation: Serenthia's drive for drow redemption was evident in her tireless efforts to establish Uthar, foster a community of acceptance and growth, and instill values that diverged from the ruthlessness of the Underdark. She envisioned a future where the drow were seen not as feared exiles but as valued contributors to the world's harmony.
  • 2. Protection of Uthar and its Citizens
  • Origin: The arduous journey from the Underdark to the surface, followed by the establishment of Uthar amidst numerous challenges, solidified Serenthia's commitment to the safety and well-being of her people. Uthar was a symbol of hope, freedom, and resilience for the drow, and Serenthia considered it her duty to safeguard it.
  • Manifestation: Whether it was leading the Twilight Guard, formulating defensive strategies, or representing Uthar's interests diplomatically, Serenthia always prioritized the security and prosperity of Uthar and its inhabitants. Every decision she made, every alliance she formed, and every battle she fought was fueled by this unwavering motivation.
  • 3. Preservation of Legacy and Teachings of Eilistraee
  • Origin: Rion Nonsi's introduction of Eilistraee's teachings to Serenthia during the Nonsi Rebellion was transformative. It provided Serenthia with a guiding light, a beacon of hope and change, and she became determined to ensure that the drow did not forget this path of redemption and harmony.
  • Manifestation: As a high priestess of the Church of Eilistraee, Serenthia actively promoted the deity's teachings, emphasizing love, harmony, and the joy of free expression. She ensured that these values were deeply ingrained in Uthar's cultural and social fabric. Through festivals, rituals, and the establishment of centers of worship, Serenthia aimed to keep the legacy of Eilistraee alive for generations to come.
  • These motivations, deeply rooted in her experiences and beliefs, guided Serenthia's actions and decisions throughout her life. They served as the pillars of her identity and the foundations upon which Uthar's bright future was built.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    • Savvies (Strengths and Aptitudes)
      1. Tactical Genius: Serenthia displayed an uncanny ability to strategize, not just in warfare but also in politics and diplomacy. Her strategies during the War of Black Blood became legendary, and her foresight often ensured Uthar's advantageous position in various situations.   2. Spiritual Depth: Her deep connection with Eilistraee gave Serenthia an acute spiritual awareness. This attunement allowed her to guide her people spiritually and fostered a sense of unity and purpose among the drow.   3. Skilled Communicator: Whether addressing her troops, engaging in diplomatic negotiations, or teaching at the Lusilver Academy, Serenthia had a way with words that could inspire, pacify, or persuade as the situation demanded.   4. Shadow Magic Mastery: Her adeptness in shadow magic was unparalleled. This not only made her a formidable adversary in combat but also enabled her to employ her skills for a variety of non-combative uses, such as stealth missions or creating illusions.   5. Empathetic Leadership: Serenthia had an innate ability to understand the emotions and needs of those around her. This empathy made her a beloved leader, as she could resonate with her people's feelings and aspirations, ensuring that Uthar's policies and actions always considered the well-being of its citizens.  
    • Ineptitudes (Weaknesses and Shortcomings)
      1. Reluctance to Delegate: Due to her strong sense of responsibility, Serenthia sometimes found it hard to delegate tasks. This occasionally led to her stretching herself thin, trying to oversee too many tasks personally.   2. Perfectionist Tendencies: Serenthia's desire for excellence in everything sometimes bordered on perfectionism. This could lead to delays or over-analysis of situations, especially when she felt a particular course of action might not meet her high standards.   3. Emotional Burden: Her deep empathy, while a strength, was also a double-edged sword. She often bore the emotional weight of her people's struggles, which could take a toll on her mental well-being.   4. Reluctance to Engage in Subterfuge: While she was a master of stealth and shadow, Serenthia's strong moral compass sometimes made her reluctant to engage in deceit or subterfuge, even when it might have been strategically beneficial.   5. Intense Self-Reflection: Serenthia had a habit of engaging in intense self-reflection, especially after making significant decisions. This could sometimes lead to moments of self-doubt or second-guessing, even if her initial decision was the right one.   While Serenthia's strengths made her a beacon for her people, her weaknesses humanized her, making her relatable and adding depth to her character. They served as a reminder that even the greatest of leaders have their vulnerabilities and challenges to overcome.

    Likes & Dislikes

    • Likes
      1. Moonlit Nights: Given her deep connection to Eilistraee, a deity often associated with moonlight, Serenthia held a particular fondness for nights when the moon shone brightest. She felt a deep sense of peace and connection during these moments.   2. Dance: Dancing was not only a form of worship for followers of Eilistraee but also a personal passion for Serenthia. She reveled in the freedom and expression it offered, often using dance as a way to connect with her inner self and the divine.   3. Nature: After spending a significant part of her life in the confines of the Underdark, the natural beauty of the surface world captivated Serenthia. She enjoyed taking long walks in Uthar's forests, appreciating the flora and fauna.   4. Teaching: Serenthia took great pleasure in imparting knowledge. Her sessions at the Lusilver Academy were awaited with anticipation, as she blended lessons with real-world experiences, making them engaging and insightful.   5. Music: A source of solace and inspiration, Serenthia loved both listening to and creating music. The melodies of the drow, combined with surface world instruments, often echoed in her quarters.  
    • Dislikes
      1. Deception: Having witnessed the manipulations and deceit rampant in the Underdark under Lolth's reign, Serenthia had a deep aversion to deception and lies. She believed in transparency and honesty, even if the truth was hard to swallow.   2. Injustice: Any form of injustice or oppression stirred Serenthia's ire. She had a keen sense of fairness and was quick to intervene whenever she perceived any wrongdoing.   3. Waste: Whether it was wasting time, resources, or potential, Serenthia disliked unnecessary wastage. Having built Uthar from the ground up, she knew the value of every resource and moment.   4. Overindulgence: Serenthia believed in balance in all things. While she appreciated the joys of life, she wasn't fond of overindulgence, be it in food, drink, or leisure. She felt it clouded judgment and led to complacency.   5. Complacency: As a leader and a visionary, Serenthia always looked toward the future and believed in continuous growth. She had little patience for complacency, seeing it as a hindrance to progress.   These preferences and aversions were shaped by Serenthia's unique experiences, from her early days in the Underdark to her leadership role in Uthar. They not only offer a glimpse into her personality but also highlight the values and principles that guided her actions and decisions.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    • Virtues
      1. Integrity: Serenthia possessed an unwavering moral compass. Her actions were always aligned with her values, and she was known for her honesty and consistency. Even in situations where deception might have provided an advantage, she chose the path of truth.   2. Compassion: Her rise to leadership did not dull her empathy. Serenthia consistently displayed genuine care and understanding towards those she led. Whether it was the well-being of her soldiers, the concerns of her citizens, or the struggles of the marginalized, she approached each situation with a compassionate heart.   3. Courage: Time and time again, Serenthia showcased her bravery, not just in the heat of battle but in the face of difficult decisions and personal dilemmas. Her courage was not just physical but moral, standing up for what she believed was right even in the face of opposition.   4. Wisdom: Years of experiences, both in the treacherous environment of the Underdark and in the leadership of Uthar, endowed Serenthia with profound wisdom. She had an innate ability to see the bigger picture, to discern the underlying patterns, and to guide her decisions based on both immediate needs and future consequences.   5. Selflessness: Serenthia often placed the needs of Uthar and its inhabitants above her own. Her sacrifices, both big and small, were evidence of her selfless nature, always prioritizing the greater good over personal gain or comfort.  
    • Perks
      1. Eloquent Speaker: Serenthia had a way with words that could move audiences. Whether rallying her troops, addressing her citizens, or engaging in diplomatic talks, her eloquence was a significant advantage.   2. Quick Learner: Throughout her journey, Serenthia demonstrated an ability to quickly adapt and learn, be it new combat techniques, magical disciplines, or the intricate nuances of surface world politics.   3. Strong Network: Serenthia had established a vast network of allies, informants, and friends in her years of service. This network often provided her with valuable insights, support, and resources.   4. Heightened Perception: Likely a combination of her drow heritage and her combat training, Serenthia possessed heightened senses, particularly in low light conditions. This ability came in handy during stealth missions or when assessing the environment.   5. Innate Magical Affinity: Beyond her mastery of shadow magic, Serenthia displayed an innate affinity towards magical energies. This allowed her to pick up new spells with relative ease and gave her an advantage when dealing with magical threats or phenomena.   These virtues and perks, combined with her skills and experiences, made Lady Serenthia Lusilver a formidable leader, a cherished mentor, and a beacon of hope for Uthar and its people. They emphasized her holistic approach to leadership, balancing strength and strategy with empathy and moral clarity.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    1. Stubbornness: Serenthia's determination, while often a strength, could at times manifest as sheer stubbornness. Once she set her mind on a particular course of action or belief, it was challenging for her to shift her perspective, even in the face of evidence to the contrary.   2. Overprotectiveness: Stemming from her deep sense of responsibility towards the drow and Uthar, Serenthia could be excessively protective. This occasionally hindered the growth and independence of those under her care, as she tried to shield them from every possible harm.   3. Reluctance to Forgive: Personal betrayals, especially given the drow's history of internal strife, were hard for Serenthia to forgive. She could hold onto grudges longer than most, making reconciliation difficult.   4. High Self-Expectation: Serenthia held herself to extremely high standards, often bordering on the unrealistic. This trait sometimes led to unnecessary self-criticism and moments of self-doubt, especially when she perceived herself as falling short.   5. Difficulty in Expressing Vulnerability: As the pillar of strength for Uthar, Serenthia felt the need to constantly portray a façade of invincibility. This made it hard for her to express her vulnerabilities, fears, or uncertainties, even to those closest to her. Over time, this could lead to feelings of isolation or the internalization of emotional burdens.   These vices and flaws, while creating challenges for Serenthia, also added depth to her character. They served as a reminder that even the most revered leaders are intrinsically human, with their own set of imperfections and struggles. These aspects made her more relatable to her people and showcased the multifaceted nature of leadership.


    Religious Views

    At the core of Lady Serenthia Lusilver's religious beliefs was her unwavering devotion to Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden. Her faith was shaped by a combination of personal experiences, revelations, and her deep connection with Queen Rion Nonsi, who introduced her to the teachings of Eilistraee during the Nonsi Rebellion.  
    • Devotion to Eilistraee
    Serenthia viewed Eilistraee as the beacon of hope and redemption for the drow. The goddess represented the possibility of a life beyond the oppressive reign of Lolth and the chaotic politics of the Underdark. Serenthia cherished Eilistraee's teachings of freedom, dance, song, and forging one's path. For her, Eilistraee was not just a deity to be worshipped but an embodiment of the ideals the drow could aspire to in their new life on the surface.  
    • Rejection of Lolth
    Having witnessed the dark manipulations, treachery, and the restrictive matriarchy of the Underdark under Lolth's influence, Serenthia developed a profound aversion to the Spider Queen. She regarded Lolth's reign as a period of darkness and subjugation for the drow. Her move to the surface, under the guidance of Eilistraee's teachings, symbolized a break from this past and the beginning of a new chapter of enlightenment and freedom.  
    • Universal Compassion
    Influenced by Eilistraee's teachings, Serenthia believed in showing compassion to all races, not just the drow. She viewed every individual as deserving of respect and understanding, breaking away from the deep-seated prejudices that many drow held due to their upbringing in the Underdark. This belief in universal compassion shaped many of her diplomatic stances and decisions as a leader.  
    • Nature and Dance
    For Serenthia, worship wasn't confined to rituals and temples. She saw the divine in nature, in the dance of moonlight on water, and the gentle sway of trees. Dance, particularly, was both a form of worship and a personal expression. Through dance, she connected with Eilistraee, celebrated her victories, and found solace in challenging times.  
    • Personal Responsibility and Faith
    While deeply spiritual, Serenthia believed that faith alone was not enough. It was essential to pair belief with action. She felt it was the responsibility of every follower of Eilistraee to work actively towards creating a world that resonated with the goddess's teachings. This belief in personal responsibility and proactive faith influenced many of her initiatives in Uthar.   In summary, Lady Serenthia Lusilver's religious views were a blend of deep spiritual devotion and pragmatic action. While she revered Eilistraee and her teachings, she also believed in the power of individual action in shaping a world that mirrored these divine principles. Her faith was both her guiding light and her grounding force, influencing every facet of her life.

    Social Aptitude

    Lady Serenthia Lusilver's social prowess is evident in her ability to navigate the intricacies of Uthar's political and social landscapes. She embodies a mix of poise, intelligence, and charisma, which has earned her respect and admiration from both her allies and adversaries.  
    • Diplomatic Grace
    In political and diplomatic settings, Serenthia showcases a natural aptitude for mediation and negotiation. Her approach is always measured, understanding the nuances of each situation. She listens intently, ensuring all parties feel heard, and strives to find common ground even in divisive circumstances.  
    • Empathetic Listener
    Beyond politics, she genuinely cares about the well-being of her people. She often holds audience sessions, where she listens to the concerns of Uthar's inhabitants, showcasing her approachable nature. This empathy strengthens her bond with her subjects, as they view her not just as a distant figure but as a leader who genuinely cares.  
    • Commanding Presence
    In larger gatherings or on the battlefield, Serenthia has a commanding presence. Her voice carries authority, and her words inspire. While she's respected for her combat prowess, it's her leadership qualities—her ability to rally troops, motivate her people, and articulate a vision—that truly set her apart.  
    • Cultural Sensitivity
    Having led the drow to the surface and establishing Uthar amidst diverse cultures and races, Serenthia has developed an acute sensitivity to different customs, traditions, and values. This cultural awareness makes her a favorite in multicultural gatherings, where she effortlessly interacts with various races and ethnicities.  
    • Reserved Intimacy
    On a personal level, while Serenthia is cordial and polite, she maintains a level of reserved intimacy. Only a select few, like Queen Nonsi or her close confidants, truly see the more vulnerable or informal sides of her. This protective barrier is both a product of her position and her past experiences in the treacherous Underdark.  
    • Eloquence
    Serenthia's speech, is a blend of ancient drow eloquence and modern linguistic nuances. This linguistic dexterity allows her to connect with both the older, traditional generation and the younger, more progressive inhabitants of Uthar.   In essence, Lady Serenthia Lusilver's social aptitude is a testament to her multidimensional personality. Whether in the high courts of Uthar, the bustling streets of its cities, or the war-stricken fields of battle, she moves with a grace and confidence that resonates with her identity as both a warrior and a leader.

    Hobbies & Pets

    • Pets
      1. Illyndor: A majestic silver-furred wolf, Illyndor has been Serenthia's constant companion since her early years in the Underdark. With luminescent grey eyes that mirror Serenthia's own, Illyndor is not just a pet but a trusted ally, often accompanying her in battles and stealth missions. Their bond is deep, transcending that of a mere owner and pet.   2. Feathered Serpents: In the vast gardens of Lusilver Castle, Serenthia maintains an aviary home to several rare and exotic feathered serpents. These ethereal creatures, a fusion of serpentine grace and avian beauty, are a testament to Serenthia's appreciation for the wonders of the surface world.  
    • Hobbies
      1. Dance: Serenthia's passion for dance is not just limited to religious rituals. For her, dance is a medium of self-expression, a way to connect with her innermost feelings, and a method of relaxation. She often practices traditional drow dances, blending them with surface world styles to create something uniquely her own.   2. Alchemy: In the quiet corners of Lusilver Castle, Serenthia maintains a well-equipped alchemical laboratory. Here, she experiments with various potions, elixirs, and brews. This hobby not only satisfies her curiosity but has also resulted in several beneficial concoctions for the people of Uthar.   3. Music: Beyond dance, music is another of Serenthia's cherished hobbies. She plays the "lute of shadows," a unique instrument that produces hauntingly beautiful melodies. She often composes her pieces, drawing inspiration from her life's experiences.   4. Gardening: The gardens of Lusilver Castle are Serenthia's haven. She takes an active interest in gardening, cultivating both aesthetic plants and practical herbs. The act of nurturing plants, watching them grow and flourish, offers her a sense of peace and accomplishment.   5. Reading & Lore Gathering: The expansive library in Lusilver Castle is a testament to Serenthia's love for knowledge. She spends hours delving into ancient tomes, gathering knowledge about various cultures, magical theories, and historical events. This hobby not only satisfies her intellectual curiosity but also aids her in making informed decisions as a leader.   In essence, Lady Serenthia Lusilver's pets and hobbies offer a glimpse into her multifaceted personality. They highlight her appreciation for beauty, her intellectual pursuits, and her deep-rooted connection to her heritage. Whether she's immersed in a dance or engrossed in a book, these activities provide a respite from her responsibilities, allowing her to rejuvenate and reconnect with herself.


    Tone of Voice: Serenthia's tone is typically calm and measured, reflecting her composed demeanor. However, when impassioned about a cause or during motivational speeches, her voice can take on a fervent, stirring quality.   Pitch: Her voice has a melodious mid-range pitch, which can rise slightly when she's emphasizing a point or expressing strong emotions.   Accent: Serenthia carries the sophisticated accent of Uthar's elite, a blend of traditional drow intonations softened by the nuances of surface-world languages.   Dialect: Her dialect is a rich tapestry of ancient drow language interwoven with the modern speech of Uthar, making her sound both timeless and contemporary.   Impediments: None. Her speech is fluid and articulate.  
    • Catch Phrases
    - "By Eilistraee's grace..." - "For the future of Uthar..."  
    • Common Phrases
    - "In my experience..." - "We must consider..."  
    • Compliments
    - "You shine as brightly as the moon's glow." - "Your efforts mirror the determination of our people."  
    • Insults
    - "You seem lost in the shadows of ignorance." - "Perhaps the Underdark still clouds your judgment."  
    • Greetings
    - "Moon's blessings upon you." - "Greetings, traveler of the surface."  
    • Farewell
    - "May Eilistraee guide your steps." - "Until our paths cross under the moon's gaze."  
    • Swearing
    - "By the Dark Maiden!" - "Shadows take it!"  
    • Metaphors
    - "Like a spider caught in its web" (referring to someone ensnared by their actions). - "Dancing on the edge of a blade" (describing a precarious situation).   Serenthia's speech reflects her dual identity as both a proud drow and a leader of a burgeoning surface-world nation. It's a blend of the ancient and the modern, revealing her deep respect for her heritage and her forward-looking vision for Uthar's future. Whether addressing her people, engaging in diplomatic negotiations, or sharing a quiet word with a close confidant, her words are chosen with care, echoing her wisdom and her commitment to her people's well-being.


    Serenthia Lusilver

    Second-in-Command (Vital)

    Towards Queen Nonsi of Uthar



    Queen Nonsi of Uthar

    Queen (Vital)

    Towards Serenthia Lusilver




    The bond between Queen Nonsi and Lady Serenthia Lusilver transcends the usual ties of camaraderie and alliance; it's a profound connection forged in the crucible of adversity and shared destiny.   Early Days in the Underdark   In the oppressive shadows of the Underdark, their paths first crossed. Nonsi, even as a younger drow, was a dreamer, often gazing upwards, her heart yearning for the moonlit world above. Serenthia, older and seasoned by the treacherous politics of the drow society, initially perceived Nonsi's dreams as naive. However, she couldn't help but be drawn to Nonsi's genuine spirit and unwavering hope. Over time, Serenthia assumed an elder sister's role for Nonsi, guiding her, protecting her, and often grounding her wide-eyed aspirations with a dose of realism.   Eilistraee's Revelation   The true turning point in their relationship was when Nonsi began receiving visions from Eilistraee. While many dismissed these visions, Serenthia saw the genuine transformation in Nonsi and chose to believe. Under Nonsi's lead and inspired by her unwavering faith, Serenthia wholeheartedly embraced the teachings of Eilistraee. This shared spiritual journey further deepened their bond.   War of Black Blood   As the conflict with Chieftain Gorthank and his forces escalated, Nonsi and Serenthia stood shoulder to shoulder, leading their people against the onslaught. Serenthia's combat prowess, combined with Nonsi's inspired leadership, turned the tide in many battles. Together, they emerged as symbols of hope for their beleaguered people.   Nonsi's Immortality   When Eilistraee bestowed Nonsi with the gift of immortality, it was a profound moment for both of them. Serenthia stood as a pillar of strength, supporting Nonsi through this transition, understanding the weight and responsibility such a gift entailed. Their bond solidified further, with Serenthia vowing to stand by her queen for as long as she lived.   Building Uthar   After the tumultuous times of war and rebellion, the monumental task of building Uthar presented itself. Nonsi's visionary ideals paired perfectly with Serenthia's pragmatic approach. Together, they laid the foundations for what would become one of the most prosperous nations on the surface. As Uthar grew and flourished, so did their relationship, evolving from the fervor of youth to the grace of mature leadership.   Maturity and Serenthia's Final Moments   As the years rolled on, the two women, having faced numerous challenges together, grew into their roles. Nonsi, with the weight of immortality, and Serenthia, with the wisdom of age, often reminisced about their early days, their struggles, and their victories. Their relationship matured, marked by mutual respect, deep understanding, and an unbreakable bond.   When Serenthia's final moments approached, it was Nonsi who stayed by her side, holding her hand. The scene was poignant – an immortal queen comforting her dearest friend, reminiscing about their shared journey and the legacy they built together.   In the annals of history, the tale of Queen Nonsi and Lady Serenthia stands as evidence to the power of friendship, shared purpose, and unwavering faith. They were not just allies; they were sisters in spirit, bound together by destiny, and their story continues to inspire generations in Uthar and beyond.

    Nicknames & Petnames

    1. Ri: Hailing from their younger years, a shortened form of Rion, Serenthia would occasionally use this affectionate diminutive, especially during their more informal moments or when reminiscing about their earlier adventures.   2. Moonlit Dreamer: Given Nonsi's visions from Eilistraee and her aspirations for the drow to live under the moonlit surface, Serenthia would sometimes affectionately refer to her as the "Moonlit Dreamer."   3. Ser: While many might view this as merely a shortening of Serenthia's name, coming from Nonsi, it carried a tone of endearment and familiarity, highlighting their deep bond.   4. Shadow Dancer: Alluding to Serenthia's unparalleled skills in shadow magic and her affinity for dance, Nonsi would often use this term as both a term of respect and affection.   5. Elder Star: Despite being younger in age, Serenthia's wisdom and guidance often put her in the role of an elder sister or mentor. Recognizing this dynamic, Nonsi would sometimes teasingly call her "Elder Star" – referencing both her guiding light and the starlit skies of the surface they both loved.   6. Twilight's Grace: A name Nonsi would use, especially when speaking of Serenthia's combat or magical feats. It speaks to the elegant way Serenthia could meld the light and dark aspects of their world.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    1. Faith in Eilistraee: One of the most profound connections between the two was their unwavering faith in the goddess Eilistraee. This shared spiritual journey provided them with common ground and a mutual understanding of the deity's teachings and vision for the drow.   2. Passion for Dance: Both Nonsi and Serenthia shared a deep love for dance, which was not just a form of expression but also a way to connect with their deity. Their sessions of moonlit dances became moments of bonding, where they would lose themselves to the rhythm and the divine connection it brought.   3. Vision for Uthar: Their combined dream of building and nurturing Uthar as a haven for drow on the surface world was a powerful shared interest. They often spent hours discussing the future of their nation, planning its growth, and sharing ideas on governance, culture, and defense.   4. Appreciation for the Surface World: Beyond Uthar, both had a genuine interest in understanding and integrating with the broader surface world. They held mutual respect for its diverse cultures, landscapes, and races. Their excursions to explore unknown territories and learn from other civilizations became shared adventures.   5. Literature & History: Both Nonsi and Serenthia had a penchant for knowledge. They frequently exchanged books, discussed ancient drow tales, and delved into the histories of other races. This intellectual pursuit fostered deeper conversations and a mutual appreciation for the past's lessons.   6. Strategic Warfare: Given their roles during the War of Black Blood and other conflicts, both developed a shared interest in understanding military strategies, tactics, and innovations in warfare. They would often spar together, brainstorm defense plans, and evaluate potential threats to ensure Uthar's security.   7. Arts & Crafts: Aside from the combative and governance aspects, they also shared softer interests. Both appreciated the beauty of arts and crafts, often visiting local artisans, promoting their work, and even indulging in artistic endeavors themselves, be it painting, sculpture, or jewelry design.   These shared interests and commonalities further strengthened the bond between Nonsi and Serenthia, allowing them to connect on multiple levels – from the spiritual to the intellectual and the practical. Their combined passions played a pivotal role in shaping Uthar's destiny and culture.

    Elara Sovrec

    Subordinate (Vital)

    Towards Serenthia Lusilver



    Serenthia Lusilver

    Commanding Officer (Vital)

    Towards Elara Sovrec




    The emergence of the drow from the claustrophobic confines of the Underdark was a monumental event filled with both hope and chaos. As they stepped into the brightness of the new world, they were met with the vastness of possibilities and the weight of immense challenges. Their existence on the surface was fragile, like a newly sprouted seedling, and they needed champions to help it grow.   During this critical juncture, Queen Nonsi was consumed with the gargantuan task of ensuring the safety and well-being of her people. It was in this maelstrom of reorganization that she first took note of a formidable drow named Elara Sovrec.   Elara, tall and powerful with fierce amber eyes, was a force to be reckoned with. Her intricate white tattoos symbolizing loyalty gleamed under the sun, reflecting her resolve. Without hesitation, she stepped forward, volunteering to rally drow for security, helping erect makeshift shelters, and organizing food distribution. Her proactive efforts did not go unnoticed.   Recognizing the merit in Elara’s actions and the potential for a trusted ally, Queen Nonsi arranged a formal meeting. It was in the heart of the makeshift camp, with tents billowing in the soft breeze, that the two women stood face to face. The air was thick with anticipation.   Elara, with a genuflection that spoke volumes of her respect, looked up at the Queen and declared, "I pledge my loyalty to you, Queen Nonsi. The teachings of Lolth no longer bind my heart. I see a new dawn under your leadership, and I stand with you."   Queen Nonsi, touched by the raw sincerity in Elara's voice, extended her hand, pulling Elara to her feet. "Your loyalty means the world to us. Together, we shall carve a future for our people," she affirmed.   From that pivotal meeting, the foundation of a deep bond was laid. Nonsi, ever the visionary, was quick to recognize the tactical acumen and warrior spirit in Elara. They began consulting each other on key decisions, with Elara's insights often complementing Nonsi's broader vision. The Queen found herself relying on Elara's ground knowledge and experience, especially when it came to security measures and interactions with surface races.   Their frequent meetings weren't just confined to official matters. Over shared meals and moonlit walks, they discussed their past in the Underdark, their shared dreams for a free drow society, and their personal challenges. These conversations strengthened their bond, turning their professional relationship into a budding friendship.   Elara's loyalty wasn't just in words. Her actions during those initial days, rallying the drow and ensuring their safety, were instrumental in the formation of what would later be known as the Twilight Guard. And she was among its first members, solidifying her commitment to Nonsi and the drow's future on the surface.   The budding relationship between Nonsi and Elara was a beacon for many. Witnessing their dynamic, many drow felt inspired to step forward and contribute, further strengthening the fledgling society of Uthar. The unity between a queen and her loyal warrior was emblematic of the unity the entire drow community was beginning to embody.   As time progressed, the bond between Queen Nonsi and Elara Sovrec grew stronger. Their combined vision and strength became the backbone of Uthar's rise as a formidable nation. Together, they stood as symbols of hope, resilience, and a brighter future for all drow.

    Wealth & Financial state

    • Source of Wealth
      1. Lusilver Estates: Located within Uthar's capital, the Lusilver Estates encompass vast tracts of fertile lands that produce a variety of crops, making it a significant source of revenue. The estates also have vineyards, producing some of Uthar's finest wines.   2. Lusilver Mining Operations: Uthar, with its location in the Rachnora Range, boasts rich mineral deposits. Serenthia owns several mines that extract precious metals and gemstones, contributing significantly to her wealth.   3. Trade and Commerce: Lady Serenthia, through her connections and alliances, established various trade routes connecting Uthar to neighboring regions. These trade routes, managed by the Lusilver Trading Company, facilitate the exchange of goods, further enhancing her wealth.   4. Lusilver Academy: While primarily an educational institution, the Lusilver Academy also brings in revenues. Students from far and wide pay tuition to learn under the best tutors and masters, and the academy often receives endowments and donations from alumni and other benefactors.  
    • Holdings
      1. Lusilver Castle: An architectural marvel located in the heart of Freygarde, this castle serves as Serenthia's primary residence. It boasts defensible walls, lavish quarters, expansive gardens, and an extensive library.   2. The Twilight Fortress: Located on the borders of Uthar, this fortress is a strategic military outpost. While primarily serving a defensive role, it also houses the barracks of the elite Twilight Guard.   3. Lusilver's Port: Situated on Uthar's coast, this port is a hub of trade and commerce. It hosts warehouses, shipyards, and merchant quarters, facilitating trade between Uthar and overseas territories.   4. Sacred Temple of Eilistraee: Serenthia funded and oversaw the construction of this grand temple dedicated to Eilistraee in Fairview. Apart from being a place of worship, the temple also serves as a cultural and community center for Uthar's inhabitants.  
    • Expenditures
      While Serenthia possesses significant wealth, she is also known for her philanthropic endeavors.   1. Rebuilding Efforts: Post the Collapse and the War of Black Blood, Serenthia invested heavily in rebuilding and infrastructure projects, ensuring Uthar's rapid recovery.   2. Scholarships: The Lusilver Academy offers scholarships to gifted and underprivileged students, ensuring that talent never goes unrecognized due to financial constraints.   3. Public Welfare Initiatives: Lady Serenthia regularly funds public welfare projects, such as building orphanages, hospitals, and shelters for the needy.   4. Patronage: Artists, bards, and scholars often receive patronage from Serenthia, allowing them to pursue their crafts without financial hindrance.   5. Military and Defense: A significant portion of her wealth is reinvested in Uthar's defense, ensuring the training, arming, and well-being of its soldiers.   Lady Serenthia Lusilver's wealth not only signifies her status and influence but also underscores her commitment to Uthar's prosperity and the well-being of its people. Her judicious use of wealth has solidified her reputation as a wise and benevolent leader.
    Lawful Good
    Current Status
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    1. Guardian of Uthar's Moonlit Night: This title is both a homage to her devotion to Eilistraee, the goddess associated with moonlight, and a testament to her role in leading and protecting Uthar during its formative years on the surface.   2. Shadow's Embrace: Derived from her renowned shadow magic abilities and her expertise in stealth operations, this title reflects her unique blend of mystical prowess and martial skill.   3. Bearer of the Twin Silver Blades: A direct reference to her iconic weapons, "Moon's Whisper" and "Shadow's Kiss," this title not only underscores her combat prowess but also symbolizes her dual role as a warrior and a diplomat for Uthar.
    Circumstances of Death
    Old Age
    The Underdark
    Place of Death
    grey / silver
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Deep charcoal-black skin, traditional of the drow
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    1. On Redemption and Change
  • "From the deepest shadows, we can always find our way to the moon's embrace. Every soul bears the potential for transformation."
  • This quote encapsulates Serenthia's belief in redemption and change, emphasizing the drow's journey from the darkness of the Underdark to the liberating light of the surface.
  • 2. On Unity and Strength - "Together, as one, we are the tapestry of Uthar. Every thread, no matter how faint, contributes to our collective strength."
  • Serenthia often emphasized unity and the importance of every individual in the community. This catchphrase was a reminder that everyone, regardless of their status or past, played a role in Uthar's success.
  • 3. On Sacrifice and Duty - "The weight of our crowns is not in the metal they bear but in the sacrifices we make for those we vow to protect."
  • As a leader and protector of Uthar, Serenthia deeply understood the responsibilities and sacrifices that came with leadership. This quote became a guiding principle for many in positions of authority within Uthar.
  • 4. On Hope and Resilience - "Even in our darkest moments, the melody of Eilistraee dances in our hearts, reminding us that hope is but a step away."
  • Serenthia's deep connection to Eilistraee and her teachings is evident in this catchphrase. It served as a beacon of hope and resilience for the drow, especially during challenging times.
  • These quotes and catchphrases were not only reflective of Serenthia's beliefs and philosophies but also became guiding principles for the people of Uthar. They resonated deeply, becoming a part of the cultural and moral fabric of the drow nation.
    Church of Eilistraee
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations