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]The first layer of Elysium which is comprised of endless fields, the scent of vanilla wafting through the air. The weather is always that of a nice spring day, just before the onset of dusk. People on Amoria do not need to sleep. The layer contains five general kinds of locations, the Divine Realms, the Forgotten Realms, the Afterlife, the Fields of Elysium and the Guardian Homes, all influenced by the river Oceanus and it's holy water.   The divine realms are the divine domains of different gods on amoria mostly for minor good gods like Sallas the purifying son or Uraerus . all made by the perspective God and have Oceanus passing through them.   The forgotten realms are the divine domains for all the deities who died or were forgotten with out enough divine power to sustain themselves an example for a forgotten realm is the Ruins of quinisali's domain the ancient domain of an healing God who died in a battle when the tribe of their followers destroyed, most of the souls who remain in these realms disperse around the plane but some stay and get corrupted by the ruins who are no longer by the Oceanus as a result of the river changes when ever one of the deities is no more   The afterlife are the name for all the different places where good souls go after they die and no God have a claim on them, they are plasent afterlifes in which they go to their most fitting. there are hundreds of different realms some bigger some smaller. two examples are Kinderrealm it is the afterlife for unclaimed child good souls which is an endless playground with any game in existence. The other example is Evertown it is a town for all the good peasant who were unclaimed for any reason it is a giant town in it you can live and do what you like without worry. Most afterlifes have a small offshot of Oceanus surrounding them, if a non dead person or an uninvited spirit is in the afterlife for more then 24 hours it is bound to it and can not leave   The fields are the in-between of amoria, it is the area who isn't anything else, most of amoria is the fields, and they are full with growth of all kinds of different crops, and filled with different animals and critters   The guardians home are the settlement of the of the native population of the plane most of them are small towns of different celestials and are made on offshoots of Oceanus


Mostly flats with small hills here and there
Alternative Name(s)
The fields of the Gods
Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Locations

Articles under Amoria


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