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The second lair of Elysium1 consists of an unending mountin range with many valleys and rivers who diverge from Oceanus at its start on the plane, and all reconnect at the connecting point of Belierin connection to eronia    The streams and rivers which are made of the waters of Oceanus can go up and down the mountains and generally do not conform to normal physics   On Eronia the gravity is lesser power, the air is with the sent of lavender, and many birds and different kinds of mountain creatures live in the plane, the layer have a few different kinds of areas but the 3 most common are the wild areas with many different kinds of wildlife and plants, the celestial homes, who are villiges and towns of the different celestials of the plane and the last one is the domains of different gods mainly of flying, mystery and flying creatures, who are good align for example the most prominent God for Elysium is the goddess of the arcane Mystra


Mountainous but lush
Plane of Existence
Location under


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