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Elysium is the neutral good plane of The nine old plains . it is comprised out of three layers with the great river Oceanus who flows from Lunia in Mount celestia though Amoria to Eronia and then to Belierin and ends up poring into Aquallor the second layer of Arborea, the plane three layers are the home for many divine domains of minor gods and whenever a domain is created or destroyed the river diverges to pass through it or pass it, many gods make Elysium thier domain but the most prominent of them is Mystra the goddess of arcane who makes eronia her home. Most of the uninhabited areas in Elysium is covered with divine wildlife and vegetation    Amoria the first layer of Elysium who is an endless field with many many domains of minor gods of all kinds of healing, care and other general Good qualities and house the souls of other good people who didn't worship a single God specifically    Eronia is the second layer of Elysium and is a large mountainous area with many of the good mystery, flight and flying gods with Oceanus breanching into many different paths with many waterfalls and rivers going up mountains magicly   Belierin is the third layer of Elysium and its landscape is mainly flat marshes and swamps with it being the divine domain of only a few gods of brewing and creating who have thier domains flooded by the holy water of Oceanus and the rest of the layer is a prison for many of the enemy's of good including many ancient dragons, haydras, demons and other powerful creatures who were cursed to be inflicted terrible pain and suffering from the proximity of the water of oceanus and and being unable to touch the water, the only ways to exit the layer are oceanus and the hearts of the Gods domains who are covered with the water    In the places where one layer ends and the other begins there is a huge waterfalls of hundreds of kilometers in the Oceanus

Localized Phenomena

All of Elysium is covered with smells fitting the perspective layer
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

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