
Gailesburgh, the bustling capital of the Barion Commonwealth, is a city of contrast and complexity. Floating within the Rustfalls in the purlieus, this metropolis is a marvel of architectural prowess and industrial might. Home to about one and a half million people, it stands as an ode to the Commonwealth's ambition and resources, but also as a testament to its greatest flaws.


With a population nearing 3.5 million, Gailesburgh is one of of the largest cities in the upper southern sky, and certainly one of the most densely populated ones. It is primarily inhabited by humans of diverse lineages, as they make up almost 80% of the population. Of those humans, around 40% are common, with a roughly even split among the others. The remaining 20% of the population is made up of various other races, such as varieties of Melgma, Kworrans, and even some Sase-Anor. This proportion is also rapidly changing with the influx of new commonwealth citizens as the empire's reach continues to expand across the sky. However, this rapid growth has led not only to tensions among different lineages, but also to severe overpopulation. The floating islands and planetoids are already cramped, and the city is quickly running out of space. Homelessness is pervasive despite vagrancy laws, and more and more buildings get buried away from natural light as the city expands in the only ways it can.


The city's unique geography necessitates specialised infrastructure. In addition to roads and bridges connecting the variety of islands and districts, there is an intricate network of lifts, steam trains, and cable cars to transport people and goods throughout the metropolis. Additionally, most homes are supplied with pressurised water, gas, a sewage system, and a specialty of Gailesburgh, pressurised steam which can be used to power a variety of household appliances. Some upper-class homes are also receiving Eidol Gas, a form of purified asaeic energy.


There are 8 major districts, though there are a multitude of smaller districts and sections as part of or in between other major districts. The major districts however are as follows:
The Core. The bustling central hub of the city, home to a number of trading districts, as well as the central passenger train station and grand square. It is almost entirely surrounded by city which has grown around it, being more akin to caverns in a vast metropolitan mass.
Skybridge. The affluent crown of the Burg, home to the richest in the empire and all the luxuries they might desire. It reaches far above the core and into its own separate islands. Great care is taken to avoid polluting the air here.
Stetra Isle. A cultural and entertainment centre built entirely on a relatively large dual-faced planetoid tethered to the core, it is home to grand theatres, gallaries, and other venues, catering to every strata of society. Nonetheless higher and lower class establishments are strictly separated.
The Terdaimen League. Home to the grand universities and schools, as well as housing, and some minor trading, this is a large upper-middle class area. It is longer than it is wide, lying directly south of the core.
Acolmsby. Lush and Green, Acolmsby is a respite from the bustle of the big city. It is characterised by a number of parks and middle-class housing. The local residents as well as several affluent members of society are fighting to keep it as it is, rather than cede the fertile ground to the restless expansion of the city.
The Roots. If you can't afford a place anywhere else, there is always the densely packed roots, also sometimes known as the moors. Expanding down, rather than up, these hang down below the core in a ring-like formation. It is not uncommon for ramshackle structures to break and send dozens falling, which is especially dangerous given the asaeic contingencies also tend to fail in the roots.
Pickerisle Docks. Located in the lower altitudes of southeastern central archipelago, the Pickerisle docks are immensely important as a transportation hub. It is home to the city's grand Skyport, one of the largest in the entire sky. It is considered an unsavoury section of town, with many businesses catering to the needs of sailors passing though.
Farside. There is a bit of a belt of empty sky between farside and the central archipelago. It Historically, it has been dominated by agricultural planetoids, though in more recent years it has begun feeling the city's sprawl and hunger for space.
Founding Date
591 EI
Alternative Name(s)
The Burg
Ca. 3'500'000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization