
Gohae, a vibrant and dynamic state in the Verdant Sea, is a society where independence, freedom, and fun are not just values but a way of life. Renowned for its artistic expression and a culture that celebrates emotions, Gohae stands as a colourful contrast to its allies, Mailnaira and Kaolao.


Gohae's government is a loose federation with a decentralized democratic structure. Leadership campaigns in Gohae are unique, characterized more by performances and artistic displays than traditional political rhetoric. Each state in the federation holds what is essentially a talent show, with supposedly the most artistically capable being elected to lead. However politics is not as simple, and campaigns still subtly promote the politician's values and ideas, such that a vote is not uninformed. Impeachment and replacement is common.
Socially, Gohae has an egalitarian approach, with little emphasis placed on individual gain, for the most part.
However, Gohae is primarily for its vibrant cultural scene. Many vices are free to be fed here; gambling, substances, red light districts. Very few things that could possibly be described as "fun" are outlawed in Gohae.
"Pleasure" and "excess" are tenets that pervades the entirety of Gohan life. Be that vibrant, birdlike fashion, expressive demeanors, and impulsive attitude, Gohae is a place to live in the moment. This sets it at odds with more traditional, spiritual, and in the words of Gohans, prude societies such as Mailnaira. Nonetheless, it draws crowds from all over the verdant sea as tourists, seduced by its myriad of pleasures. Too much is never enough in Gohae.


While Gohae does hold some true land, that makes up only a small portion of its territory. However it claims a large expanse of the verdant sea, with settlements built on islands and straight into and around extended trees. The largest of these, Nolor, is also the federal capital.


Religion is a somewhat neglected part of life in Gohae. The core beliefs of the most common faith are similar to Bailmao doctrine, yet with none of the divine laws and taboos. One strong distinction is that in Gohae, people believe that spirits can be drawn by great works of expression, such a music or art. These summoned spirits are said to bring good luck to any nearby, also witnessing the artistic process. As such going to performing and attending cultural events are a form of worship for the people of Gohae.
Political, Federation
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


Kaolao and Gohae first officially formed the Threefold Alliance, and have had good relations long before that, given how much their values of freedom and creativity align.

Uneasy Alliance

It has come to blows between Barion and Gohae. Both hate what the other stands for, but Barion currently does not see Gohae as a threat.
Gohae and Mailnaira are in an uneasy alliance. While they agree on prioritising the preservation of their independence and of the natural world around, they agree on little else.

At War

It has come to blows between Barion and Gohae. Both hate what the other stands for, but Barion currently does not see Gohae as a threat.