
Kaolao, a republic esteemed for its academic prowess and technological ingenuity, stands as a testament to the power of knowledge and innovation. Nestled in the lush expanse of the Verdant Sea, this democratic republic is a hub of learning, invention, and progress, where intuition and academic rigor shape its ethos and governance. It shares a place with Mailnaira and Gohae in the Threefold Alliance.


Kaolao's governance is deeply intertwined with its academic institutions. It places great emphasis on intellectual achievements in determining its leaders. Political figures are often distinguished academics, chosen not only for their leadership skills but also for their scholarly contributions. The selection process involves public readings of essays and dissertations, alongside traditional debates and campaigns, reflecting the nation's high regard for education and intellectual discourse.
Additionally, the government of Kaolao is structured to facilitate and promote academic research and technological advancement. It consists of various councils and committees, each focusing on different aspects of governance, from technological development to cultural preservation.


Kaolao's culture is marked by a reverence for knowledge and an insatiable curiosity. The society values forward-thinking and embraces change, seeing it as an opportunity for improvement and growth. Innovation and inspiration are readily embraced, almost to the point of recklessness. Curiosity is celebrated, with the archetypal national hero being that of an inspired inventor pushing the bounds no one else dared to, yet with the good of all in mind.
Learning for its own sake is also seen as an ideal worth striving for, and -public lectures, seminars, and exhibitions are frequent. These draw a large portion of the population. However, existing knowledge, while respected, is seen as the foundation from which to build further insight. Novelty and excitement almost always takes precedence.

Demography and Population

The population of Kaolao is predominantly composed of Sase Anor and Melgma, similar to other nations in the verdant sea. However it has a larger number of permanent immigrants from elsewhere in the sky than most countries there. In fact, citizens from diverse backgrounds are readily welcomed and celebrated as sources of novel ideas, making Kaolao a true melting pot. This contrasts several of its neighbors, which have turned to nigh xenophobia in the face of an encroaching enemy composed primarily of outsiders.


Existing on an archipelago of true land, Kaolao's territory is not large, being the smallest nation in the Southern Alliance. However it does controls more true land than Gohae. Its cities are expansive, and are home to a majority of its population.


While the forces of Kaolao are small, there may not be a better equipped military in the Verdant Sea, other than Barion's of course. The constant drive for innovation has lead to great discoveries in the art of blowing things up, though more often than not those were accidental.

Technological Level

Kaolao is the scientific and technological leader of the verdant sea, and possibly of all the Seas of Anora. The wonders it produces are spoken of as legend in many other nations, and for good reason.
The country is also the pinnacle of magical understanding. Simply put, if it can be discovered through ingenuity and experimentation, it is expected Kaolao will be ahead of its peers in its insight.
However sometimes its scholars can become so lost in academia and search of knowledge for its own sake that truly great practical applications of novel concepts can go unnoticed for years.

Trade & Transport

Despite having a decent amount of true land at its disposal, Kaolao is almost entirely dependent on imported agricultural products. With its thriving economy, this is feasible. However, eing the technological and industrial leader of the Verdant Sea, Kaolao exports machinery and magic of all sorts. Be it weaponry, general appliances, or grand arcane devices, if it is state-of-the-art Anoran tech, it probably originated in Kaolao. It also exports education. With its academies being considered the best on the verdant sea, the influx of students is high, and so are their tuitions.


Nothing is more important to the Kaolaoan ethos than education and curiosity. The country boasts a 99.5% literacy rate in its own dialect of Anoran. Early education is free and easily accessed. Further education excells in numerous fields, with intrinsic curiosity being highly regarded and rewarded.

Inspiration, Discovery, Progress

Geopolitical, Republic
Major Exports
Technology, Education
Major Imports
Agricultural produce
Neighboring Nations