
Lo'onole are a kind of Sase-Anor with more delicate, flower-like traits. Their skin is smoother and typically some shade of photosynthetic colour. Like other kinds of Sase-Anor they are mostly found in Anorona, though their appearance does lend itself the best for integration in human-centric societies. As such the odd Lo'ono can be found throughout the sky, in the for example in the Barion Commonwealth or in Zemaran.

Basic Information


Lo'onole are humanoid in build, though somewhat shorter and slighter than most other kinds of Sase-Anor on average. Their skin is mostly smooth, with ridges similar to the veins of leaves, and colouration dependent on the photosynthetic pigment of their heritage. On their head and sometimes down to their back grow petals or full flowers in a manner similar to hair. Like most sase-anor, a Lo'ono can change their physical appearance to some extent, though they are unable to change certain aspects about themselves, such as the hue of their skin, or the kind of flower their hair is made of.

Genetics and Reproduction

The fertility cycle Lo'onole go through are the shortest among the Sase-Anor, being only around 12 Turnings long on average. Like other Sase-Anor, mature Lo'onole consciously or subconsciously choose up to one of the two sexes, which their body is moulded into in the early stages of their fertility cycle.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lo'onole grow from a seed produced by the female member of the union around 60 Dates (30 days) after fertilization. The seed can be stored for a while, but upon being planted in mulch or soil the seed sprouts. It takes around one Turning (24 days) for the sproutling to uproot, which is its uprooting, or birthday. It will still be dependent on the parents for survival for at least 18 years, at which point it reaches the maturity roughly equivalent of a human 12-14 year old. It enters its first fertility cycle around 22 years of age, and will continue having regular fertility cycles until it passes away. The average expected lifespan of Lo'onole lies somewhere around 135 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most other Sase-Anor, Lo'onole are capable of photosynthesis, and given that they have access to the requirements, can survive in a coma without nutrition indefinitely by rooting themselves in place. However to fuel their higher mental abilities, they require almost as much nutrition as animal organisms, especially in the form of carbohydrates and nitrogen. Animal meat is considered a delicacy, though too much of it causes serious health problems as well as making the Sase-Anor sick short term.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The perceptive abilities of Lo'onole are similar to those of other Sase-Anor and thereby comparable to that of humans, though slightly less sensitive to touch and pain. However unlike Kamaule for instance, their colour vision is excellent, and they are generally capable of distinguishing twice as many colours as most other sase-anor, while also being able to see ultraviolet light.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution