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Session 12: Dre, May, Jay

General Summary

Session nr.12 09/03/2022   Wednesday, 9 March 2022 19:09   As the group recollects themselves from the nightmare they just experienced, Iberian explains the creature that attacked them, as well as before, must be doing this for one of two reasons. Either it is attempting to anchor itself within this realm through the party's minds, or it's simply doing this to mess with them. Iberian bids his farewell and leaves. Once he's gone, Finn brings up how the first idea of "anchoring" May be true, as long ago Saan had explained there were beings wishing to enter their world to reach God's Haven. Ruyi brings up how she has taken another look at her book, and may require a lot of components to cast the spells written inside. As the party travels onward, they begin to hear voices up ahead.   Crossing the hill, they meet up with the adventuring party they were sent to assist. Wubba's old group is there, as well as, surprisingly, Dre and Silvio! After they all reunite, the leader of the adventuring group introduces himself. He is named Frederic, and along with him are Mars, Jay and his wife Cael. Finn tells them that Wubba had passed away defending the children of Treff. The group is saddened, but understand. Frederic explains the town of Heilos down below is very quiet, and most of the villagers seem to have dissapeared. In the middle of the town is a large building where the remaining villagers are located. They will go there once morning comes, as it has gotten too late now. He guides the party to the camp to rest up, Finn going to a tent to sleep. Once comfortable around a table with a few refreshments, Silvio explains how when he left the group at Pyeerest, he met up with his brother Argento and joined The Glaciers, where he trained and learned a lot. His machines and weapons have improved as well.   Ruyi finally asks Guy to teach her how to roast. He gives her a quick rundown of it, and Lucién will be her first target. She leaves for a moment, then returns with a goodness awful roast. Lucién gives her an empathetic applause. Silvio however tells her to watch him as he roasts Lucién by insulting his mother, indirectly calling her a cheap whore. This triggers Lucién's mentality of no one, not even his best friends, being allowed to insult his family. He demands Silvio to repeat what he just said, and reading the room Silvio gets ready for an altercation. This altercation however quickly grown into a short fighting match where Lucién, still hurt and tired from the fight with Iberian that afternoon, loses to Silvio's new weaponry of grenades and cannons. May had called Finn over and tries to motion him to stop it, however he tells her sometimes violence can help settle problems.   Silvio tries to help Lucién back up, but he swats his hand away and walks over to Guy, who looks at him in pity. Finn approaches Silvio and compliments his new prowess, claiming Lucién was overreacting and needed a stern wake up call. Silvio however says he didn't want to fight his friend at all, and walks after the sorcerer to try and heal him, but yet again Lucién refuses his aid. Guy tells Silvio Lucién's behaviour is normal for Goldians, however Silvio points out that they are no longer in Gold and should behave according to Kinnorath's norms. Frederic asks Finn if interparty conflicts like this happen often, and if they may get in the way of their upcoming mission. Finn reassures him that despite them all not getting along now and then, it would never get between them and the objective. As the night goes by, Ruyi creates her tiny hut for the party members to rest in undisturbed. May comes to sit by her, as Ruyi shows her the stars in the heavens, telling the child how her parents will always be watching over her, no matter what happens.   The next morning, Ruyi wakes up early. She takes the still sleeping May and places her on Finn's back, then heads out. The book tells her he notices her nightmares, and might be able to help get rid of them. Later on Ruyi is approached by Dre, who tells her breakfast will be ready soon. She notices however that Dre was going to say something else instead, and asks if he's alright. Dre goes on about how his chase of the child of Suuth'Kallos has been going fairly well. Ruyi tries to pry a little more, and Dre opens up about how his group is a bit down on their luck. He feels bad he can't help them feel better, and asks Ruyi if she could pep them up. Dre says something recently happened which has caused them to feel down. Ruyi says he doesn't always need to "solve" the problem a friend is having, just being there for them is good enough. If the friend wishes to open up, they will, but just showing that you care is good enough for it. Dre takes this advice at heart and thanks Ruyi for her kindness, offering her a glass of water. Ruyi then goes over to Lucién and Guy to apologise about starting off the whole roast thing that happened the night before, telling them she'll be more considerate to them. Lucién tells her she was not at fault in the slightest. Ruyi then offers the two a glass of water.   Meanwhile Finn had awoken and got up, May sliding off his back. After getting ready, he along with May seeks out Silvio. Finn asks him about his family in Snowcake, and Silvio claims they're fine, having heard fairly recently from them. Finn says that makes him happy as a few days ago Guy was worried Snowcake may have gotten attacked since they left. Finn tells Silvio about the people of Treff, how they too will be travelling to Snowcake much like the citizens of Crane's Hill did. He also says the other three in the party have been acting wierd for a while due to a being anchoring to them. He brings up Saan's story, as well as Iberian's theory about beings coming to Joran for God's Haven. Following that, Finn asks him if he is willing to accompany him to Suuth'Kallos for something personal he needs to complete. He claims convincing Ruyi will be easy since she needs the crystals from the caverns, however Dust might be more difficult, therefore if he is on board as well he'd have a better chance at it. Silvio says he needs to report in Klum first, but after that he'd be happy to assist. Finn says that makes him happy, and May forces them all into a hug.   After breakfast and Dust making cookies with Dre despite there being no oven, the adventuring parties all reassemble and following another briefing by Frederic, head down to the town of Heilos. Most of the houses are empty, up until they reach the centre where a large amount of villagers in cloaks are praying to a building. Their prayers are in a language nobody understands, except Lucién who after using his magic, is able to converse with them, choosing to talk it out rather than immediatly attack them. The villagers had seen them approach, proclaiming they must "Protect The Master". Lucién begins to speak to them asking what is going on and where everyone went. The cultists explain they are praying and worshipping the master, a being who has been protecting their village from incoming enemy forces like the Ho'ruushi. In exchange, they must serve him. Lucién asks who this master is, however surprisingly the cultists don't actually know who it is they are worshipping. If anyone wants to "see" the master, they will be punished. Lucién vows to take over the responsibility of protecting them, on the Velisk family name he promises. The cultists after some hesitation, accept his words. However they instruct him that they can't be freed unless they kill the master and anything else located "down there". If they fail, the villagers are doomed. Lucién reassures him they will all be safe.   The cultists walk away from the building as the adventurers enter. Inside is a throne, frozen in a thick ice. Runes are scattered around on the floor, and in the back is a large altar-like object. As they approach, a dark, almost liquid substance emerges from the ground and stretches out wide. A portal has appeared, Red in colour. After a short while, they all decide to enter. Once through, they find themselves in a completely different environment. Instead of cold winds and snow, hard rocks and magma flow besides them. In the front are a few humanoid creatures, some engraved with symbols, one with blackened skin. They are surrounding a large pool of molten rock, speaking in yet another language. Lucién translates once more, and the beings claim they have been made "beautiful" by the master, and that the party too will be made beautiful. Understanding the threat, the party engages in battle and succesfully take down the creatures. Ruyi takes a blood sample from all of them.   Behind the pool of fire is yet another portal stand, however this one is not in effect. After Ruyi inspects it, she deduces it has three different locations it could transport them too, labelled "The Lair", "God Mountain" and lastly "Peasants". As Ruyi attempts to activate it, the ground beneath them begins to shake, as from the pool behind a large flaming dragon monster emerges and attacks. The creature then speaks telepathically in Draconic to Finn and Silvio. Silvio however does not actually speak the language, and so doesn't understand its words. To Finn it demands he worships him, as lizardfolk are descendants of his kin. Finn refuses, claiming he is and will forever be devoted to the mountain. Angered, the monster lashes out, and during a difficult fight where many are incinerated, almost eaten and/or dragged into the magma pool. During the fight Dre is struck, and while unconscious is grabbed by the blackened creature who faked his death. The creature activates the portal to "The Lair" and throws itself in along with Dre, destroying the runes as he enters. After Finn stabs the monster's eyes out, it claims it can't die, then almost evaporates into thin air. With a good amount of the party downed and a single death of Frederic's wife Cael, the ground shakes once more and rocks begin to fall from the ceiling. In a panic, Ruyi is able to activate the portal setting it to "God Mountain", and everyone rushes inside to escape the cave-in.   ############ EDITOR'S NOTE: Dust thinks about an old rice farmer lady, and a tear rolls down his eye as he fails to strike the dragon. ############
Report Date
27 Mar 2022

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