The Borderlands Geographic Location in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

The Borderlands

The "no man's land" between Hujing Tan and Vaku Jirako. This land is full of large hills, craters, and random holes that seem to come from nowhere. It is a desolate land with very little plant life. The animals seen there are mainly desert dwelling creatures, such as lizards and scorpions.

The Borderlands is a constantly debated area between these two kingdoms due to the amount of oil and potentially large amount of precious stones.


The Borderlands is an ever changing environment with large hills, craters, and holes it is a dangerous place to live. Some believe there is a large amount of magic in its sandy ground causing the random changes that the Borderlands seem to have.

There are several underwater streams that flow beneath the sands and dirt. The craters also hold a somewhat large amount of excess rainwater.

Localized Phenomena

Due to the magic in the area of this desert a lot of strange phenomena happens. Such as mutating animals. Some unlucky or lucky animals have switched body parts with nearby animals causing a strange mixture of scorpions and jackals, or lizards and camels, and various other mixes. Most don't live very long, but some combinations have been found to make extremely dangerous predators.

Another phenomena is the changing geography. The term "rolling hills" is sometimes seen to be taken quite literally here with hills actually "rolling" towards a different spot. There are also strange holes that appear randomly. However, with the sand constantly moving and shifting, some think the holes have always been there, just covered by layers of sand.


The region is very arid and humid. There is very little rain throughout the year, however tornadoes are a large danger in this area. They are known to start somewhere in The Borderlands and then continue into Hujing Tan or Vaku Jirako, causing havoc on those who live near these regions.

A large stretch of mountains surround the Borderlands. These mountains are one of the reasons The Borderlands are so dry. Occasionally a large storm will make its way over the mountains and flood the nearby towns and villages.


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