War between Neighbors

The War between Neighrbos was a war between Hujing Tan and Vaku Jirako over territory in The Borderlands, an unpredictable wasteland.

The Conflict


Both kingdoms had recently gone through a depression and were looking for ways to come out of it. The Borderlands, although dangerous, were thought to have housed precious stones and oil. Each kingdom was desperate for some way to earn back money. So, they released a batch of equipment and men to try to dig up and find something.

Some oil was found near the border of one of the kingdoms and several groups of men fought and argued over where exactly the border was. Some claimed it to be farther down, some claimed it to be farther up. And because the land was constantly changing no definitive line could be drawn.

In previous times the border between these two kingdoms had never been an issue, however, desperate times caused for desperate measures.


The war was brutal. No kingdom could ever seem to get an upper hand. The only thing they could do was deal as much damage as they could in one day. The war had many causualties, most resutling in the dangerous holes in the ground, the lack of water, and slow transportation.


After a particularly devestating blow to Vaku Jirako they called a cease-fire. The two kings met in Jabok Borancion for discuss the cease-fire agreement. An agreement was eventually made.

After a few months, both kingdoms were able to rebuild part of their army and decided to draw up a peace treaty. This treaty gave equal claims of the Borderlands to both kingdoms.

Once the treaty had been ratified, the kings sent out men and equipment to gather whatever valuables they could find.


About twenty years has passed since the War between Neighbors. There have been no fights amongst the kingdoms since the peace treaty, only over dividing the valuables found. However, nothing as dramatic as the first war has even happened between the two kingdoms.

As of right now, both kingdoms seem to be at peace.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
No-Win War


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