Atto Kallenen

Cleric of the Queen

Atto Kallenen

Atto Kallenen was born in Mailenskord, the capital city of Mailenstead, to (father), who worked as a stone mason, and (mother), who worked as a weaver. Much to his parents' consternation, he did not apprentice with his father. Instead, he joined the crew of a merchant vessel at the age of sixteen. His trips took him frequently from Mailenskord to Karvastrond. When he was twenty, he decided to leave the sailing life behind and traveled throughout Mailenstead doing odd jobs and telling stories. In the village of Derwyn, he met a young woman, Tippa Skeggresen (maiden name: Alonsen), and married her. They continued traveling for work for a year until she found herself with child. They settled in the town of Forsbyr, where Tippa took up work as the village washerwoman and Atto found odd jobs to do. Their daughter, Neea Kallenen, was born when he was twenty-four and Tippa was twenty-one.   Atto is a man with big dreams and ideas, known for his good looks and charm, but he has never been able to hold down a consistent job. While his charm served him well on the road, and his incosistency did not matter so much, it began to take its toll on his family once he settled down. He became a source of irritation and annoyance for the townspeople of Forsbyr, who tolerated him only for their love of Tippa and Neea.   When a furrier named Narfi Skeggresen came to Forsbyr to sell his goods for a fortnight, Tippa was taken with him and left Atto to be Narfi's wife. Their daughter, Neea, had no desire to leave Forbyr, so she remained with Atto. Only a few months later, Atto and Neea left Forsbyr to take up the wandering life once more. When Neea turned twleve, she left Atto to live with her mother and attend the Scholar's Academy in Mailenskord. Atto continued wandering throughout the Steads, performing odd jobs for several years.   He eventually ended up in Hakkonstead where he fell under the sway of Queen Suuvi Hakkonen and her followers. He became a cleric devoted to her, and wandered throughout the Steads proclaiming her message of unity and performing miracles.
Current Status
He is a missionary cleric for Queen Suuvi
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
10th of Harvest's Moon, 185 AF
Graying blonde


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