Tippa Skeggresen

Tippa Skeggresen was born in the village of Derwyn to the southwest of Mailenskord. Her father, (father) and mother, (mother), were tenant farmers for Lord (lord name). When she was nineteen, she fell under the spell of Atto Kallenen, a wanderer who had stopped in Derwyn for temporary work. Against the wishes of her parents, she eloped and ran away with him. They continued as wandering laborers until Tippa fell pregnant and they settled down in the town of Forsbyr, where she took up work as a washerwoman. When she was twenty-one, she gave birth to a daughter, Neea Kallenen.   Unfortunately, Tippa realized that her parents' assessment of Atto was correct. He could not hold down a job and was self-absorbed, leaving her to provide for their family with her washing work. This only brought in so much money, and the family had to rely on the help of their neighbors to get by.    When a furrier named Narfi Skeggresen came to Forsbyr to sell his goods for a fortnight, Tippa was taken with him. He was looking for a wife who would help him with his business. He could provide a stable home in Mailenskord. She left Atto to marry Narfi, but Neea refused to leave her father and Forsbyr. However, when Neea was twelve, she came to live with them in Mailenskord.   Though Narfi did offer stability, it was a loveless marriage. He was a cruel, domineering man, and treated Tippa no better than a servent. When Neea came to live with them, he treated her no better. Because he despised Neea so much, he allowed her to attend the Scholar's Academy so that he could spend less time around her.   By the time Neea enrolled in the College of Mailenskord, Narfi had become addicted to drink and Tippa had taken over the running of the furrier business. More and more, Narfi would spend less time at home, and though Tippa had no idea where he went, she found his absence to be a relief. When he returned, he always demanded the money the business earned, but knowing that it would be squandered for ale, she hid some away. It is her hope to eventually leave Narfi and move to somewhere safe.
Current Status
Running a furrier business in Mailenskord
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
13th of Moon's Reign, 188 AF
Year of Birth
187 AF 45 Years old
Graying brown hair


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