

Nestled along a vital waterway, Gwyndara is a seemingly tranquil fishing and farming community with some trade that belies a turbulent history. The village often finds itself caught in the tides of war between the mighty forces of Alderland and The Aeternus Imperium. The small fishing and farming community sits right on the edge of tribal life and belonging to the Kingdom of Alderland. Modern buildings with sailors and traders buttress traditional Eifer huts. A man in a Ithican Toga talks with a man wearing a bear headress of the Eifer. Gwyndara is a truly unique place.

The Village Layout:

Homes and Farms: Gwyndara's homes are built with sturdy, dark stone, their roofs thatched with reeds from the waterway. The fields are rich and well-tended, showcasing a community that thrives on agriculture. Each home is spaced to give a generous amount of land for farming, reflecting the village's reliance on self-sustenance.
  Village Center: At the heart of Gwyndara lies a communal gathering place, marked by an ancient standing stone circle with a may-pole at the center. The stones are covered in worn runes.
  The Sheared Summit: Dominating the inland landscape near Gwyndara, the Sheared Summit is a striking flat-topped butte that rises abruptly from the earth. The clean slice at its peak suggests an unnatural origin, sparking debate among those learned enough to ponder its creation in the Lyrfaen Spire.
The base of the butte is honeycombed with caves, known locally as the "Saythur Caverns." These caves emit strange sounds and are central to local folklore, often linked to tales of lost explorers and eerie, unexplained lights observed from the village on moonless nights. The locals avoid the Caverns and claim they are a memory of the Daoine Roimhthe.
  Shadowleaf Grove:: To the north of Gwyndara, Shadowleaf Grove stands dense and foreboding. The trees are unusually tall and thick, their canopies merging to block out most of the sunlight. Villagers speak of the grove in hushed tones, telling stories of strange creatures and bewitched shadows that roam under its leaves.
  The Stone Plinth: Overlooking the sea, a large mountain of weathered granite juts out above the village. At high tide, the base of the mountain is often covered by the waves. Atop the plinth sits an ancient altar, possibly built or renewed by Bran the Vikti. Few venture to the plinth, except those seeking Bran's wisdom.
Cultural and Social Dynamics
Community Life: The villagers of Gwyndara are a close-knit community, bound by their shared hardships and the land they cultivate. They are resilient and wary of outsiders, forged in the fires of frequent invasions and the mysteries that lurk just beyond their fields. They are willing to trade however and live by commerece even as they cling to the old ways.
Festivals and Traditions: Despite—or perhaps because of—their troubles, the villagers hold several festivals throughout the year to celebrate the harvest, commemorate past battles, and honoring Mara or Wodyn or other spirits and dieties. These festivals are filled with music, dance, and ancient rituals.
Leadership: Gwyndara is led by a council of elders, each a representative from one of the village’s most prominent families. These elders are tasked with making decisions that will protect and benefit the village, balancing the immediate needs of their people with the constant threat of war.
Shrine to Wodyn: on the shoreline up a steep granite hill facing the sea sits a small shrine to Wodyn. Often called The Stone Plinth. Built or perhaps rediscovered by Bran Vikti of Wodyn

Points of interest

The Hewn Yew A small cottage bed and breakfast run by an elderly couple named Kord and Kelly. The small buidling sits outside of an intersection in town that features a Yew Tree that was split in half from a lightning strike but continued to grow. It became a symbol for the whole town.
  • Hosts: Kord and Kelly, both friendly
  • - Cost: 3 Silver a night
  • Session specific: 3 men are near death from infection. Lesser Restoration will end the infection. Jed / Sara is here.

  • The Ancient Stone Circle
    "At the heart of Gwyndara lies an ancient stone circle, a timeless relic that has witnessed countless generations. The large standing stones are weathered by time and etched with mysterious runes, telling tales of forgotten rituals and ancient magics. The ground within the circle is covered in soft, well-trodden grass, with a may-pole standing proudly at the center."
  • Druidess: Elowen, a devoted follower of Mara, is tending to the stones. One of which has fallen from its perch. She is determined to repair the damaged stone, believing that restoring the circle will bring back Mara's protection. Elowen has long, flowing hair adorned with flowers and leaves, and she wears simple, earth-toned robes that blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. She is deeply spiritual and believes the village was punished by the Goddess for allowing the ancient circle to fall into disrepair.
  • Session Specific: Elowen is seeking help to restore the stone circle, needing both physical labor STR > 28 and a moss called Faerwisp Moss that may be found in the surrounding forests Survival > 14. She believes that once the circle is restored, and the moss burned the village will once again flourish under Mara's protection.

  •   The Drunken Gull Alehouse
    "Located near the Fisherman's Wharf, The Drunken Gull is a popular gathering spot for villagers and sailors alike. The exterior is a sturdy wooden structure with a weathered sign depicting a tipsy seagull. Inside, the atmosphere is warm and lively, with the scent of roasted meat and ale filling the air. Wooden tables and benches are scattered around, occupied by locals sharing stories and laughter. A large hearth crackles in the corner, and a barmaid moves swiftly between patrons, serving mugs of frothy ale and platters of hearty food."
  • Innkeeper: Elara, a friendly and talkative woman.
  • Barmaid: Lyria, a quick-witted and cheerful young woman.

  •   The Eifer Longhouse
    "A large, traditional wooden building adorned with carvings and symbols of the Eifer. It serves as a communal hall for gatherings, feasts, and meetings. Inside, long wooden tables and benches are set up around a central hearth, where a fire burns brightly, providing warmth and light. The walls are lined with tapestries depicting local history and legends, and the air is filled with the scent of burning wood and the sound of crackling flames. Villagers often gather here to discuss important matters, celebrate festivals, and honor their heritage."
  • Elder: Merwyn, an affible and wise leader of the village currenting, "Holding the Hall" for the council of Elders.
  • Storyteller: Kaela the Skald, known for her captivating tales and songs including the Legends of Wodyn

  • The Seafarer's Rest Inn
    "Situated close to the docks, The Seafarer's Rest Inn caters to visiting sailors and tradesmen. The inn is a two-story building with a welcoming facade and a sign depicting a ship at anchor. The ground floor houses a cozy common room with a large stone fireplace, where guests can relax and share tales of their journeys. The scent of freshly baked bread and hearty stews wafts from the kitchen, promising a comforting meal. Upstairs, simple but comfortable rooms are available for rent, each furnished with a sturdy bed, a wooden chest, and a small window overlooking the village or the sea."
  • Innkeeper: Jyis, a friendly and talkative woman from Maraqul, came here as a slave, married the innkeepers son, inkeeper died, and the son cooks, his name is Bravden.
  • Cook: Bravden, known for her delicious stews and baked goods.
  • Session Specific: 4 thugs of the Nordring Pact are agitating for a revolution against the crown of Alderland in the Pub. Rob, Engel, Ealar, Tearlauch.

  • The Iron Anvil Blacksmith
    "The Iron Anvil is a prominent building near the village center, marked by a large stone chimney billowing with smoke. The rhythmic clang of metal on metal echoes through the air. Inside, the blacksmith, a burly man named Thoren, hammers away at an anvil, crafting tools, weapons, and horseshoes. Thoren is known for his strength and skill, as well as his jovial personality. The forge is a hub of activity and a vital part of the community, providing essential services and high-quality goods."
  • Master Blacksmith: Thorgull, a burly and skilled blacksmith.
  • Thorgull knows of a rune, he made it for Bran and can teach it. called Inti, once inscribed on a talisman it gives +1 Intellgence, +1 History, +1 Investigation.
  • Apprentice: Jarek, an eager and hardworking young man.
  • Jarek wants to get married to Aoife Farnáin (Ei Farnan), but cannot because her father won't let him till he's a master, and Thorgull is too hard to please.

  •   Leather and Lace Workshop
    "The Leather and Lace Workshop, located near the village market, is where finely crafted leather goods are made. The workshop is run by a meticulous and talented artisan named Linnea. The smell of cured leather and dyes fills the air as Linnea works on various items, from sturdy boots and belts to intricate saddles and pouches. Her attention to detail and craftsmanship is renowned, making her goods highly sought after by both villagers and traders passing through."
  • Master Leatherworker: Linnea, a meticulous and talented artisan.
  • Assistant: Talia, a diligent and creative helper.

  •   Torvald's Homestead Torvald's Homestead lies on the outskirts of Gwyndara, a sprawling piece of land that is home to a variety of crops and livestock. The farmhouse, though weathered and in need of repair, stands strong against the elements. Torvald himself is an eccentric figure, known for his unconventional farming methods and his affinity for talking to his animals as if they were people. His fields are a patchwork of thriving produce, and he often experiments with different growing techniques, leading to a reputation as both a genius and a madman.
  • Farmer: Torvald, an eccentric and innovative farmer with a passion for his land and animals.
  • Owns a young Ox named Finly.
  • Type
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