Campaign History

This history of the Of Vices and Virtue Campaign

  • 1306 EA

    1312 EA

    Turian - Imperial War
    Military: War

    The Turian-Imperial War
      The Imperium and the Turian Sultanate went to war for these years. The first major war between continental powers in some time. The war ended with a stalemate though it is widely considered the first loss by the Imperium. Largely due to the introduction of gunpowder cannons.

    Additional timelines
  • 1310 EA

    10 /10

    Valarius Family Massacre
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Marcus (Marcilus) returns home to find his entire family has been slaughtered. He goes on the run.

  • 1319 EA

    12 /5

    The Meeting and the Beginning of the Trade Expedition
    Life, Milestone

    Vass, Marcus, Allesandra, Lavinia and Ash all meet and begain their quest together, first to find out what happened to the Aurientail Deer on this day to earn a spot for trading with Verus trading.

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  • 1319 EA

    13 /5
    1319 EA

    14 /5

    A Confrontation with the Hells
    Celestial / Cosmic

    On this day, the party saw something they will never forget, a creature from a plane beyond thier own. A small terrfying creature, alien in every way imanginable. The creature was perhaps killing the Aurelintail Deer or maybe the twisted birds seen near it were.

    The creature from Hell had likley also captured, tortured and killed Tadhg Mossstone, the leader of the Eldreth Druids and was somehow feeding on his suffering at the edge of death and rebirth. It followed them, tormented them, untill they could injure it more completely

  • 1319 EA

    20 /5
    1319 EA

    21 /5

    Successfully completed the Aillteir Ceannais.
    Life, Milestone

    For the first time anyone can remember a group of southerns went with a Druid of the Elderth to compelte the Aillteir Ceannais and succeeded. Returning triumphant and with Boons from the Lady of the Mountain  

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    The Lòchan
  • 1319 EA

    25 /5

    Returned to Dunwell
    Life, Relocation

    The Party Returned to Dunwell from thier trip to the wilderness and living for a short time among the Eifer.

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  • 1319 EA

    26 /5

    Burning of the Winds Blessing
    Criminal Activity

    The Party, looking for the origin of the Nergalesh and with a clue from Warden Lucian Argentius the cleric of Jael and Deathwarden. Look beneath Dunwell and discover the origin of the The Abyssal Shadow and the Nergalesh.   They returned to the surfice to find thier boat on fire. The Shadow was on thier tail.

  • 1319 EA

    27 /5
    1319 EA

    29 /5

    Unseen Rebellion

    Party party slew the merchant, Falvus Verus, a hanger on a frequenter of brothels: Reyes. Litennant Ogland of the local garrison and Govenor Lucious Magnus to prepare for the toppling of the government. They also managed a prison break and freed Wahn.

  • 1319 EA

    29 /5 12:00
    1319 EA

    28 /5 01:00

    The Battle of Dunwell
    Military: Battle

    Eldonian peasants were gathered by William Milligan at the beheast of the party took on the forces of the imperium in a battle at the heart of Dunwell. Inspired by the words of Lavinia and the tesitmoney of Eira. They burned down the Govenorment HQ and govenor's mansion. Also notable, Warden Lucian Argentius on this day died in the battle to bring Vassalis back from the brink of death's door.

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