History of Dunwell

A brief history of the town of Dunwell

  • 500 EA


    Dunwell is a town in Eldonia established by early Anglar peoples, who lived there in a tribal structure due to its good fishing, later agriculture.

  • 1200 EA

    Start of Trade
    Population Migration / Travel

    trading ships from around the continent started showing up and trading for furs, and timber.

  • 1259 EA

    The Imperium Moves In
    Military action

    60 years ago, the town was more formally established as the Aeternus Imperium came in, established a garrison and governing structure for the town, lead by an appointed governor of the empire. A minor war insured, the Imperium won handily as warring tribal factions could not coalesce into a cohesive whole and expel in the invaders.

  • 1312 EA

    1312 EA


    Draft Riots
    Military: Battle

    A Draft for The Turian-Imperial War turns the town into a riot as locals reject the imperium's authority to draft young men for war against the Turian Sultanate

  • 1318 EA

    Criminal Activity

    1 year ago a solider from the garrison raped a woman in the town, outraged sparked and a minor rebellion ensued that was put down brutally

  • 1318 EA

    Valenblink Investment

    8 months ago the corporation of Valenblink established a logging and mining community upriver, expanding the Empires reach into Eldonia, taking over a town that was called called Stonewood.

  • 1319 EA

    26 /5
    1319 EA

    26 /5

    Governor Lucius Magnus Assassinated
    Criminal Activity

    Anarchist and Nordring forces collaborated to kill the much beloved govenor in the village. This is thought to be done by paying off the mercenary group hired to protect the govenor and key industrial allies in the town. A group called the Blood.

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  • 1319 EA

    29 /5 12:00

    Battle of Dunwell
    Military: War

    A revolutionary force of Nordring supporters and anarchist agitators overthrew the imperial government of Dunwell. Interestingly, beyond the normal charges of such revolts, this one claimed that the local government had been corrupted by the occult and given to child sacrifices.   Strangely the Azrean priest in the village corroborated the story in his letters to the church in Caelum. He died soon after so a full testament could not be had.

    Session Report
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