Blood Forest

The Blood Forest is the newest addition to the The Skyless Realms and as already made a name for itself. While most of the denizens of this plane fear little to nothing, even the The Mist Queen is afraid to venture within its depths. The forest one day mysteriously appeared in the The Skyless Realms and no one is exactly sure why. There are rumors that it was placed by the gods others believe that a powerful witch set up shop and grew the bramble herself. However, even the most powerful creature within the forest is unsure how they ended up in a world without stars.  

Traveling through the Blood Forest

The grounds of the Blood Forest are considered difficult terrain. Random encounters happen on a roll of 10 - 12. Roll once for the terrain and once for the creature.
D4 + D6 Terrain Creature
2 Blood Giant Den Blood Dragon
3 Blood Vine Meadows Shambling Blood Mounds
4 Blood Ponds Golem
5 Dense Bramble Spirits
6 Open Woods Blights
7 Lava Springs Ooze or Slime
8 Blood Shrine Giant
9 Acidic Blood Rain Blood Sorcerer
10 Roaming Blood House Red Ruth Pigtooth

Terrain Encounters

Roaming Blood House Acidic Blood Rain
A heavy storm covers the forest. The blood that falls is acidic and deals 2d6 acid damage. The storm stops after 1d12 + 2 hours.
  Blood Giant Den
A large ramshackled den that has been created with broken down trees and shrubs. There is a 25% chance that a Blood Giant is in its lair when the players arrive. With a successful DC 13 Investigation check the players find a small treasure horde containing: 30 cp, 700 sp, 240 gp, 17 pp, black onyx (150 gp), 2 x diamond (100 gp), amber (100 gp), 2 x garnet (100 gp), jet (100 gp), pearl (100 gp), Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187), a matched longsword and shield (25 gp, 9 lb), a vial of diamond dust (25 gp, 1 lb), 30 sq yards of canvas in sacks (3 gp, 30 lb), a pair of boat oars (4 gp, 20 lb), 1d4 Blood orchids, a barrel of lamp oil.
  Blood Ponds
Small ponds of blood rain have started to form in the forest. Blood orchids sprout on the edge of the ponds, there are 1d12 orchids at the ponds. The ponds have started spawning creatures, and there is a 50% chance that a creature will appear from the ponds. If the players are in combat there is a 25% chance that a new creature will spawn from the pond on initiative 20.
  Blood Shrine
These shrines are dotted throughout the forest. Most of them display either a cats paw or a cats eye as the idol, however there is a chance that it is in ruins and the players are unsure what the idol was. Roll on the encounter table to see what offerings are at the shrine.
D6 Offerings at shrine
1 1d4 cultists of Buttons lay around the shrine and are starting to rot as they offered their lives.
2 1d6 X 5 gp's
3 A hand in a gem encrusted bowl (the bowl costs about 1,500 gp)
4 1d4 Blood Orchids
5 A wooden sphere painted with a map of strange stars and constellations
6 An electrum coin bearing the visage of a powerful archpriest on one side, and the image of a fell demon on the other
Blood Vine Meadows
While traveling through the forest, vines snap and try to restrain the players. A dc 15 dexterity saving throw is needed to avoid being restrained in this manner. If the players are in combat this feature starts at initiative 20. If someone is restrained by the vines at the start of their turn they take 1d8 bludgeoning damage from the vines grasping and 1d4 acidic damage from the blood on the vines, as the vines grasp the players tighter. The vines also move the players 15 feet further into the forest.
  Dense Bramble
The bramble is so dense that it drops the players to a crawl. Player movement is slowed down to 15 feet and the players take 1d4 piercing and 1d4 acid damage at the start of their turns. The bramble covers a 1d6 x 20 foot area. The dense bramble will start to clear if fire is present.
Open Woods
The open woods are quiet maybe too quiet. While in the open woods there chance to get ambushed by a creature doubles. The players need to make a DC 18 Wisdom Perception check to find the ambushers before they get attacked.
  Lava Springs
The lava springs are a good place to get burnt. at the top of every round the players need to make a DC 13 Dex save or take 6d6 fire damage from lava spewing out. Where the lava strikes its surroundings there is a chance to find a materials. Roll on the materials chart to see what is found.
D20 Rare Materials
1-10 Nothing
11-14 1d4 Obsidian Stones (the stone absorbs all fire damage taken and then is destroyed.
15-18 1d4 Diamonds (1d4 x 50 gp worth)
19-20 A Blood Shard
  Roaming Blood House
Red Ruth Pigtooth is always at this location, however the house may not always be at her location.

Creature Encounters

Blood Dragon, Shambling Blood Mounds, Golems, Spirits, Blights, Oozes or Slimes, Giant, Blood Sorcerer, Red Ruth Pightooth. ToB2 Monsters: Tree Skinner 351, Thornheart Guardian 346, Herald of Slaughter 198, Vine Golem 181


The Blood Forest sits next to The Farthest Tides and The Flowing Shadow Mountains loom over its tall red trees. As if walking on a blanket the soft ground seeps blood out of it with every step. The bramble and wood of the forest stretch across the ground like old strung fingers. The deeper into the wood the more the bramble comes alive and tears at your flesh. Lava streams from The Flowing Shadow Mountains weave throughout the entire forest. The raining of blood did not only effect the ground however, the woods seem to come alive during a storm and once that storm has calmed, blood golems of various creatures come alive and feast on the souls that wonder in and become lost. The forest is beaming with the life of the dead and slain, spirits of those lost can become trapped within the Blood Forest and watch over those who find themselves lost within the bramble.


Blood - ooze, giants, spiders, shambling mounds, blights.  Undead - ghosts, banshees, ghouls.

Fauna & Flora

Blood Orchids
Alternative Name(s)
The Bone Bramble
Location under
Owning Organization
Contested By
Characters in Location


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