Chapter 13: The Calm before the Storm /Kohurt 4th, 773/


  The players start at The Stormy Clam after a brief respite. They will head towards Greyshire and meet with Law Master Hassal and Twin to discuss any tactics. The Mistwalkers are in the first city regrouping and planning their attack. The Everstorm Cult is at Creation Lake regrouping and planning their attack as well. Law Master Hassal wants to hold Greyshire and not retreat as he will not abandon his people. Law Master Hassal used to train The Inquisitors and is still considered one of the best fighters the coast has. The party has roughly 2 weeks to get ready for battle.

Strong Start

  The night of regrouping at The Stormy Clam has been much needed as each of you go to bed with the thought of an upcoming war. In the morning you wake up to the smell of freshly cooked bacon and head down to the tavern portion of the clam. "Morning, morning, we have a special this morning, the breakfast platter and a tanker of cider for 5sp".  

Potential Scenes


The Crier

When leaving the tavern the party hears Alexios the herald. "War children, its just an arrow away!, The leader of the scouts regimen was blown off his feet!, Highstorm warning!, get your guide to the truth right here!" The crier sells the paper for 3cp's.

To Greyshire

When trying to leave 4 guards of The Polis Division try and stop the party. "It is too dangerous to travel into these lands. By decree of King Rennodall all must stay behind these walls." With a successful DC 13 persuasion check the guards will let them pass, they will also let them pass if Herk shows them his captains badge. In either instance the guards will try to warn the party that while going pass the walls is dangerous, going without transportation will likely result in death. (under the supervision of Law Master Sthedous).

Entering Greyshire

The travel is mostly quiet, faint essences of battle in the distance. The days are shorter and the heavy rains are slowing travel due to it being "winter" time. They can see typhoons in the ocean.

Reunite with Law Master Hassal

Law Master Hassal is doing his best to stay cool, calm, and collective. He however is in a great panic as he is feeling the tightening grip of the war. Hassal can break down the needs and strains of Greyshire. What is left of the army are the lumberjacks of Greyshire and the last 10 of The Inquisitors that are loyal to Hassal. The lumberjacks have make shift armor and basic weapons (axes and pitchforks). The blacksmith Boros has been working tirelessly to keep up with the demand of this war but is only one man. The scouts have not shown up in town and they cannot go into the forest as the Mistwalkers have outposts throughout and are hiding in trees. The lumberjacks that they do have to fight are not very good fighters and need training. They have a stormsinger but he cannot predict an Everstorm and it makes planning attacks very difficult. The alchemist is also having a hard time keeping up with demands.

Twin in the sheets

Talking with Twin. Twin has been spending time helping the soldiers relax after battle. He does not join in any fighting but does help heal the resting. Twin has payment for the stolen ring and another task for Orphius. The payment is 1d4 x 10 gold pieces. The next task is to figure out how to properly use the dagger that was given to him.

Noris wet dreams

Nori gets a spirit animal. One of the nights in Greyshire, Nori needs to make a DC 28 WIS saving throw. Sersus, God of Conquest and Tyranny enters her dream and speaks to her. "My child, war is coming, war that will bring honor to your name and mine. They call you fallin but I see the true beauty that you posses. The power to cause ruin." "You were born under my red moon" "Because of my temper and lust for the fight, I generally fight alone for I often lose control of my strikes and hit allies as well as foes. Still, I sought a creature that would go before me in battle, instilling fear into my foes before my axe fell upon them. I took a ferocious Cerberus and bound it together with the fires of my eternal rage. This creation became my personal harbinger and battle companion. I did not name my harbinger though until the beast had claimed a hundred thousand lives and proved itself truly worthy of my esteem." "I now want to bestow to you my child your own harbinger of tyranny" "Everything comes to ruin in time my child, and that time is now."
  Rp sersus: Anger and malice radiating from him is almost palpable. He exercises no control over his temper or his urges and lashes out at subordinates at the slightest provocation. Sersus appears as a four-horned minotaur of incredible size clad in spiked bronze armor and wilding a massive ebon greataxe. He doesn't debase himself by appearing in other guises to mortals - to behold him is to behold the cruelty of war personified.
  she receives a dandy lion animal with the stats of a cat
  Preparing for war
  The storms coming
  During battle a large group of storm hawks help the party.


An impending war is coming as well as two clashing storms.

The Hero's

  Duke PP: 13, AC: 17, HP: 37
  Herk PP: 15, AC: 16, HP: 63
  Marna PP: 14, AC: 17, HP: 71
  Nori PP: 17, AC: 12, HP: 52
  Orpheus PP: 12, AC: 15, HP: 51

Secrets and Clues:

  Law Master Hassal has a storm tracker(Tolis) trying to figure out when the next high storm will be and how if they can predict the next everstorm.   The drow can feel the everstorm coming from the vibrations underground   The people of Greyshire have found "pocket lairs" underground in the surrounding area, they think the drow hide in them and wait to ambush   Drow patrols are stationed throughout the Terpawa Forest   The Inquisitors are at Greyshire and Law Master Hassal has mixed feelings about this.   The Mistwalkers have taken the first city and are awaiting to attack from there.   The Everstorm Cult is planning its attack from Creation Lake   While the Mistwalkers or the Everstorm Cult might take Creemod, Law Master Hassal will not let them take Greyshire.   The captain of the scouts force has not shown up in Greyshire   If Greyshire is to fall, they should retreat to the ruins to the south, by the emerald pond.   Law Master Hassal has a "gift" for the party, the ruins to the south (storm point ruins) can be used as their own headquarters if they so desired.


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