College of the Primordials

The college is a place where genasi and other go to learn the role of elements and elemental magic within Soldaana. It is also the location of one of the oldest known sites/structures to exist in Soldaana, known as The Temple of Loterna.


The college has a elemental hierarchy at the top which sits the genies of the four elements. The genies are ancient and have lived for thousands of years, being remnants of the ancient past and the Gods. The four genies are known as The Four Elements and are the master of the base elements: Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. In addition, there are genasi masters who rotate through the ages that represent the combined elements, known as The Elementalists. This include genasi masters of Ooze, Smoke, Ice, Steam, Dust, and Magma.    Together, these genie and genasi teach the next generation of genasi and help them understand and control their elemental powers.


The masters and the college are in touch with their elemental powers and the power of nature itself, learning to understand and appreciate the gifts from the Gods. As such, all elemental practices are held in high regard and are honed to their best utility and might for the benefit of not only self-improvement, but community improvement.

Public Agenda

To help the displace, lost, and confused understand their place in the world. The college is open and welcome to all who find themselves wandering or without a home, teaching them how to live one with the elements. It just so happens that most of the displaced and lost end up being genasi who have been different since birth quite often due to the mysterious nature of most of their sires.


The College is unique and still very shrouded in mystery as The Four Elements do not share all that there is to know about its history. In fact, while the Library of the Ancients exists with thousands of years of documented history of Soldaana - the exact inception of the college is unknown. It is speculated that the college itself predates The Convergence and was in a sphere of its own, but after collided into a massive landmass before being split further into parts - one of which became Ellidell in which the college resides.
Parent Organization

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