The Four Elements

The Four Elements are four powerful Genies who reside over the College of the Primordials and are in charge of teaching and helping the Genasi willing to learn there. The Four Elements also serve as the political and social figureheads of the college and Genasi within Ellidell, Andolay, and Soldaana itself.


The Four Elements consist of four powerful and ancient genie, said to have existed since before the Convergence. They each rule together and equally within the college and in other business affairs on behalf of the Genasi. They are Ghazzad (Dao - Earth Genie), Zaman (Efretti - Fire Genie), Roe-bin (Djinni - Air Genie), and Willah (Marid - Water Genie).


The Four Elements contain high ranking remnants of the Genie race that were said to be created by Loterna and their split bodies Galoden, Mirriven, and Karkosa. Many of the Genie disappeared before and during The Convergence, but not before manifesting the Genasi - a humanoid race that was a mix of humanoid and elemental forms. As such, the remaining genies seek to provide guidance and knowledge to their descendants at The College of the Primordials.
Alternative Names
The Genie Masters
Subsidiary Organizations

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