
Nyria, a planet once lush and thriving, has undergone profound changes following a cataclysmic event known as The Burn. This transformation has reshaped its geography, climate, and the lives of its inhabitants, the resilient Alsian species.


The Burn: A Turning Point

The Burn was a catastrophic seven-year period during which Solis, Nyria's star, unleashed a series of coronal mass ejections. These powerful solar storms stripped Nyria of its magnetic field, bringing extreme drought, famine, and the melting of the planet's ice caps. The Burn led to widespread destruction, with over 90% of Nyria's population perishing. Those who survived were forced to adapt to a radically altered world, seeking refuge on the high tops of old mountains and hills.


Nyria in the Solis System

Mene, Nyria's luminous moon, plays a crucial role in the planet's natural rhythms. Approximately one-third the size of Nyria,

Solis, the star around which Nyria orbits, is a G-type main-sequence star, similar in size and luminosity to Earth's sun. Solis provides the essential light and heat necessary for life on Nyria. Its regular cycles have shaped the planet's climate and seasons for millennia. However, The Burn was a stark reminder of the star's potential for destruction.

Nyria is the second planet of Solis's star system, Venari is the closest neighbor sitting between Nyria and Solis, Artemis, Pallas and an outer belt of smaller planetoids also share the same system.

The Oceans of Nyria

The Altian Ocean

The largest ocean on Nyria, the Altian Ocean, covers over 40% of the planet's surface. Known for its relative calmness, it is home to the surviving Alsian kingdoms and nations


The Ichor Ocean

Covering about 20% of Nyria's water surface, the Ichor Ocean is known for its dark, viscous appearance and treacherous conditions. Formed due to changes in current patterns, it is infamous for its volatile weather and tales of monsters


The Steaming Ocean

The Steaming Ocean, named for the constant evaporation caused by underwater lava-spewing chasms and volcanoes, covers around 15% of Nyria's water surface. This ocean plays a crucial role in the planet's climate and ecosystem.


The Crystal Ocean

Once Nyria's south pole, the Crystal Ocean is now a body of fresh, crystal-clear water, covering about 15% of the planet's surface. This ocean is a testament to nature's resilience and adaptability in the aftermath of The Burn.


The Barren Ocean

An expanse covering the north pole of the planet, completely barren of life but potentialy rich in minerals.


Alsian Society and Culture

The Alsian species, resembling humans, have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Post-Burn, they have adapted to new environments, forming tight-knit communities on highlands. Key cultural aspects include:

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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