Barrogate Arena

Barrogate Arena is a grand sports and events venue located in the center of Barrogate Island, a cultural hub within the Eldwell Empire. The arena is a magnificent circular structure, reminiscent of the ancient colosseums of lost empires. It boasts four levels of seating, designed to accommodate a wide range of events, including theatrical and musical performances, water sports, knight tournaments, and, most notably, Pipecross matches. The arena is the premier location for both minor and major league Pipecross, and it is the crowning venue for the Imperial League—the pinnacle of the sport. The only venue that rivals Barrogate Arena is the tournament grounds of The Radiant Shield Academy, known for hosting the annual Recruitment Tournament.


With a capacity to hold up to 45,000 Alsians, Barrogate Arena is often filled to the brim during the Imperial League season. The excitement begins early in the morning as fans, clutching their day tickets, flood into the arena with their families and friends. They come prepared with food and beverages, eager to spend the entire day immersed in the atmosphere of camaraderie and competition. The autumn games season is particularly lively, with the arena hosting a variety of events every weekend. These include music festivals, theatrical plays, knight tournaments, gladiatorial games, swimming competitions, and, of course, Pipecross—the sport that has captured the hearts of every Eldwellian.


The arena is a bustling marketplace as well, with licensed vendors selling a wide array of goods. Cooked food, sandwiches, ale, Wine, Fruits, nuts, and even blocks of ice are available throughout the day, ensuring that spectators are well-fed and refreshed as they enjoy the events. The arena itself is a marvel of Engineering, with an intricate system of underground tunnels filled with machinery that allows the massive stage to move, submerge, or ascend in parts. Recently, the arena was outfitted with eight colossal alchemical “Brights”—powerful light emitters that can illuminate the stage and the skies above, turning night into day.


Barrogate Arena is not just a place for sports; it is also a venue for some of the most important cultural celebrations in the empire. One such event is the “Menian Night,” a festival held on the first day of the year, under Mene’s full moon. During this celebration, the arena comes alive with music, dance, and revelry. The people of Edison gather to exchange gifts, feast, and honor Mene, the mythological lover of Solis. The Empress herself often graces these festivities with her presence, making them even more special and cementing Barrogate Arena’s status as the heart of Eldwellian entertainment and culture.

Founding Date
1852 AF
Alternative Names
The Arena, Pipecross Central
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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Welcome to Solspire
Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Aug 31, 2024 13:57 by E. Christopher Clark

This places looks so cool. I kinda want to see a concert here (always been more of a music/performance guy than a sports guy).

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Sep 4, 2024 16:16 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like that the arena is multi purpose and not just used for sports. I particularly love the idea of festivals being held there!