Effie (Ephigenia) Gardiner

Dr. "Εffie" Ephigenia Gardiner

Personality Characteristics


Deeper meaning: compelled to seek knowledge and understanding in an effort to improve herself and the world around her. A deep desire to uncover the way things are reveals a deep seated belief that with enough knowledge and invention, we can improve the basic condition for all Alsians.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Ethical: tries to be good and just. Tries to help those in need. Values fair play, respects authority, tries to bring the greatest benefit to most people. Honest, hard-working, kind & wise. Can be stern when pushed to make moral decisions.
  • Generous: shares her good fortune with others, giving to those in need
  • Optimistic: tries to see the best in every situation, hopes for the best.
  • Humerous: expresses things as comical and funny, and always tries to lighten the mood
  • Relationships

    Theophilus Newton Featherstone

    bestfriend (Important)

    Towards Effie (Ephigenia) Gardiner



    Effie (Ephigenia) Gardiner


    Towards Theophilus Newton Featherstone


    "Effie" is smart, cheerful and hardworking. She's easily distracted by medical and biological mysteries. She's also a dab hand with a pistol.

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    Generic article | Sep 11, 2024

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