Kelean Exodus Declaration


The Kelean Exodus Declaration is a historic document authored by the followers of the Word of Kel, signifying their decision to separate from the Eldwell Empire under Empress Sophronia II. This declaration outlines their grievances, their claim to the lands of Atulahai Ridge, and their vision for a new nation guided by the teachings of their prophet Kel, as interpreted by Samuel Bartholomew Hawk.


For years, the followers of Kel have found themselves increasingly at odds with the policies and decisions of Empress Sophronia II. The discontent reached a tipping point, compelling the believers to seek a new beginning, where they could live in accordance with their spiritual beliefs and values without interference from the imperial regime.

The Declaration

The Kelean Exodus Declaration was meticulously written on a large piece of parchment and signed by the 17 guides of Kel, along with Scarlett Rebekah Brownlow-Hawk, the protégé of the now departed Professor Hawk, who ascended to lead the cult following his departure to join Kel in the heavens. This document is both a proclamation of independence and a spiritual manifesto, encapsulating the essence of the Kelean faith and their commitment to building a new society.


Claim to Atulahai Ridge

The declaration asserts that the believers, proven right in their spiritual convictions, claim the lands of Atulahai Ridge. This area, where the Sundial—an ancient sea shell inscribed with the prophecies that founded the Kelean religion—was discovered many years ago, holds profound religious significance. The declaration states that Atulahai Ridge is now the rightful domain of the Kelean faithful and that only those pure of heart and intent may settle there. This claim is a call to the devout to come and build a new home grounded in their shared beliefs.


The Mandate

The document names their new homeland “The Mandate,” or the Kelean Mandate, signifying their divinely inspired mission to create a society based on the teachings of Kel. The Mandate is envisioned as a sanctuary for all believers, a place where they can practice their faith freely and govern themselves according to the principles laid out in their religious texts.


Core Values

The Kelean Exodus Declaration outlines the core values that will guide the new nation:

Faith and Devotion:

The Mandate will be built on unwavering faith in the teachings of Kel. Every aspect of life in the new nation will reflect this spiritual devotion.

Purity of Heart and Intent:

Only those who are pure of heart and intent will be allowed to settle in the Mandate. This principle ensures that the community remains true to its spiritual foundations.

Community and Brotherhood:

The Mandate will foster a strong sense of community and brotherhood among its inhabitants. Mutual support and collective effort will be the bedrock of society.

Justice and Integrity:

The governance of the Mandate will be based on justice and integrity. Leaders will be chosen for their moral character and their adherence to the Word of Kel.

Inclusivity of Believers:

The Mandate welcomes all believers of Kel, regardless of their background. As long as they share the core values and commit to the communal way of life, they will be embraced as part of the Kelean family.

Adherence to Sacred Texts:

The foundation of Kelean faith is the Word of Kel as written in the Sundial and the Book of Hawk, penned by the first Father, Professor Hawk. Future interpretations of undeciphered passages by forthcoming leaders will continue to guide the community.

Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)
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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Aug 1, 2024 01:08

Are they going to be a thorn in the side of the Eldwell Empire? or will the Empire barely notice them?

Aug 1, 2024 05:01 by Dimitris Havlidis

Oh Thorn is does not even start to describe what they are going to be :P During the campaign they are going to be one of the two major antagonists from the major organizations point of view.

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