The Burn

The Burn is the name given to the catastrophic seven-year period during which Solis, the star around which Nyria revolves, unleashed a series of coronal mass ejections that decimated the planet. This relentless bombardment almost stripped Nyria of its magnetic field, bringing drought, famine, and the complete melting of the planet’s ice caps. The result was a planetary apocalypse that reshaped Nyria forever.


The Solis Assault

The Coronal Mass Ejections from Solis bombarded Nyria with unprecedented ferocity, weakening and ultimately almost obliterating its magnetic shield. This left the planet vulnerable to the full brunt of solar radiation, leading to catastrophic climatic and geological upheaval. With its protective magnetic field almost gone, Nyria's atmosphere became a hostile environment. The ozone layer thinned drastically, exposing the surface to harmful ultraviolet radiation and causing temperatures to soar.

Environmental Devastation

As the ice caps and glaciers melted at an unprecedented rate, the water released caused sea levels to rise dramatically by 250 meters globally. This sudden influx of water inundated vast swathes of land, submerging cities and wiping out ecosystems. Torrential rains, tornadoes, and hurricanes became commonplace, as the newly formed oceans and increased atmospheric moisture fueled severe weather patterns.

The extreme heat from the increased solar radiation, combined with the high humidity from the melting ice, resulted in a planet drenched in black rain. This acidic precipitation, laden with volcanic ash and other pollutants, further devastated the already struggling flora and fauna.

Geological Upheaval

The almost total loss of Nyria’s magnetic field also triggered a series of volcanic eruptions as the ferrous magma from the planet’s inner core surged to the surface. Massive volcanoes erupted across the continental plates, spewing lava and ash into the sky. These eruptions created ever-burning lava fields, some of which opened under the newly formed oceans, leading to the phenomenon of boiling seas.

These volcanic activities reshaped the planet's topography, forming new mountain ranges and vast chasms. The constant volcanic activity added to the atmospheric pollution, causing further climatic instability.

The Toll

The Alsian life cost of the Burn was staggering. More than 90% of Nyria’s population perished due to the combined effects of environmental destruction, famine, and natural disasters. The survivors were left in dire straits, struggling to adapt to a world that had become almost unrecognizable. The few who managed to endure the initial onslaught found refuge on the remaining high ground—hilltops and mountain peaks that now formed the new archipelagos in a world dominated by water.

The Mysteries of Electrum

In the aftermath of the Burn, survivors discovered that items made of Electrum began to emit a deep blue, luminescent, pulsating energy. This mysterious phenomenon was observed in numerous recovered archaeological artifacts and existing items, yet its cause and actual effect remained unknown. The glowing Electrum has become a symbol of hope and curiosity, driving many to explore the potential alchemical and engineering applications, as well as the secrets it may hold about Nyria’s past and future.

The Alsians' Resilience

The Alsian people, among the survivors, showcased remarkable resilience and adaptability. They established new homes on the peaks of hills and mountains, forming small, scattered communities that clung to the remnants of their civilization. These highland refuges became the new centers of human habitation, where the survivors worked tirelessly to rebuild their lives amidst the ruins of their former world.

The Burn left an indelible mark on Nyria, transforming it from a thriving planet into a harsh, waterlogged world filled with new dangers and mysteries. The survivors, now the stewards of this changed planet, face the monumental task of adapting to their new reality, preserving their history, and unlocking the secrets of the strange, glowing Electrum that now pulses with an enigmatic energy.

Nyria Today

Almost 60 years after the beginning of the burn, the planet is mending, the Electromagnetic field of the planet is back to its pre-burn levels, but the temperatures remain as high as at the end of the burn, preventing the reformation of the ice caps and glaciers of the planet. As years pass, many of the areas of the ocean remain quite acidic but in general the air and water pollution is back to acceptable levels. The wind and water cycles remain occasionally unstable, but closer to their pre-burn state.

Nature is also slowly healing, with previously rocky tops of mountains now laced with rich volcanic ash that creates super-fertile, green valleys, young forests and fast-growing jungles. The animals that survived the onslaught are finding new homes in the newly created island paradises of Nyria.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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Aug 25, 2024 02:34 by Ademal

Sixty years is a remarkable recovery, but I'm sure the scar of the event will remain imprinted on the world for generations to come. Do people fear that it will happen again? Are there any measures to stockpile or remain safe deep underground in cast it does?

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Aug 25, 2024 05:47 by Dimitris Havlidis

Yes the fear is still there. Mamy of the powers of the world have created underground or fortified highground complexes and stockpile grain, water. The Eldwell empire which is more or less the focus of the setting is creating a "seed vault" to protect and safekeep what remains well.

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


Aug 25, 2024 05:49 by Dimitris Havlidis

60 years might sound like a short amount of time but ... well think of Germany at the end of WW2 and what it is now. Also an important point is that the people started reacting very quickly to what was happening and 95% of them died either by the event or by trying to save others working to literally death.

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
Twitter | World Anvil Changelog
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop