The Lodge

The Lodge, also known as "Florence's Lodge," is a refurbished pre-burn chalet that once graced the hills by the edge of Lake Therpsis. Now, it stands as the sole surviving structure on a small island, surrounded by over 700 nautical miles of open water. Rebuilt by Florence Cornelia Boodie and her, much older, late husband, Augustus Linus Boodie, The Lodge opened its doors to travelers in 1859 after a four-year-long reconstruction of the original chalet ruins.

The Lodge serves as a sanctuary for explorers, adventurers, archaeologists, and merchants traversing the north-west Altian Ocean. It is a place where they can relax between adventures and long voyages, resupply, exchange news and stories, strike deals, and enjoy a game of cards.


This three-story stone building boasts dark oak details, now extinct, and large, beautiful glass windows. The main hall, known as "Stephenson's Foyer," features a wooden interior and two large, all-glass window walls. The other two walls showcase an exquisite collection of artifacts, including painted portraits of explorers, scavenged parts from sunken ships, a unicorn's horn, and various other incredible finds gifted to Florence for her kindness and hospitality.

The state rooms of The Lodge are primarily located on the second and third floors, offering 26 rooms that can comfortably accommodate up to 70 people in various lodgings. The ground floor is dedicated to service areas such as the kitchen, boiler room, staff quarters, and other operational rooms. A large pantry and storehouse, hewn into the rock of the hill and located underground, can hold supplies for several months. Given its strategic location almost halfway between Edison and the Umberworth islands, The Lodge is always well-stocked and bustling with activity.

The Island

The island itself is quite small, barely accommodating The Lodge and a modest garden. Florence has created a greenhouse to grow some of the Vegetables used at The Lodge. The Lodge is equipped with rainwater collectors and a deep freshwater well that taps into the underground reservoir that once fed Lake Therpsis, making it an invaluable resource for those needing to resupply.


Florence has enforced a strict no-weapons policy at The Lodge, with all weapons confiscated upon arrival and returned upon departure. This rule does not apply to Florence, her two sons Elijah and Robert, her three adopted daughters Prudence, Solace, and Jade, nor to Linus, the seven-foot-tall automaton butler.

The regulars of The Lodge have never tried to test the rules but there has been occassions that people they found themselves off the pier and into the water.

Founding Date
1802 / 1859
Hospitality, Hotel
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Florence Cornelia Boodie.png

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024

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Jul 21, 2024 01:53 by E. Christopher Clark

I mean, what's not to love here? But my favorite of all things I love is Linus.

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Jul 21, 2024 04:15 by Dimitris Havlidis


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Jul 21, 2024 04:19 by E. Christopher Clark


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