Altian Ocean

The Altian Ocean, the largest body of water on Nyria, covers over 40% of the planet's surface. Known for its relative calmness compared to the other oceans, it serves as the cradle of civilization for the surviving Alsian kingdoms and nations. The ocean is dotted with smaller islands and archipelagos, each home to the major factions of the world. Even before the flood the Altian ocean was the largest body of water on Nyria and connected all 3 pre-flood continents of the world with its waters. The name of the ocean was carried for generations since the founding by all the ancient civilizations around its life-giving basin. Alada, a small island in the center of the Altian ocean and the "first" city is still considered the center of the world.

Eldwell Empire Territory


The Eldwell Empire occupies a collection of smaller islands in the north-western region of the Altian Ocean. These islands feature a mix of rugged highlands and lush valleys. The capital, Edison City, is situated on the largest island, Eldwell, known for its towering cliffs and fertile plains, and the largest structure in the world the Solspire.



Eldwell is rich in minerals, including significant deposits of iron and copper, essential for their industrial advancements. The islands' fertile soil supports extensive agriculture, producing grains, fruits, and vegetables. Forests of ancient, hardy trees provide timber, while the surrounding waters are teeming with fish, supporting a thriving fishing industry. Recent advancements in underwater mining have also allowed Eldwell to tap into deep-sea mineral resources, further bolstering their economy.


Yun Sacred Empire


The Yun Sacred Empire is located in the north-east, characterized by its serene and picturesque islands. These islands are known for their beautiful landscapes, including terraced hills, bamboo forests, and tranquil lakes. The capital, Yun City, is nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains, considered holy by the Yun people.



The Yun Sacred Empire is abundant in natural beauty and spiritual significance. The islands are rich in medicinal herbs and rare plants used in traditional alchemical practices. Tea plantations are widespread, producing some of the finest teas in Nyria. Precious stones and jade are mined from the mountains, and the coastal waters are renowned for pearl diving. The fertile lands also support rice cultivation, a staple of the Yun diet. What the Yun Empire is lacking in is metal and coal, in order to secure it they are trading in exchange for tea, rice and medicinal herbs.


The Kelean Mandate


The Kelean Mandate occupies the western islands of the Altian Ocean. These islands are marked by rugged coastlines, dense rainforests, and expansive savannas. The capital, Kelea, is strategically located on a high plateau, offering natural defenses and a commanding view of the surrounding area.



The Kelean Mandate is rich in timber, with its dense rainforests providing high-quality wood for construction and shipbuilding. The savannas support large herds of livestock, providing meat and dairy products. Mineral resources such as gold and silver are mined from the mountainous regions. The coastal areas are ideal for salt production, and the surrounding seas are abundant with seafood. Underwater mining operations have also begun to exploit deep-sea resources, adding to the Kelean wealth.


Thierry Free States


The Thierry Free States are situated in the middle of the Altian Ocean, consisting of a network of interconnected islands and atolls. The geography is diverse, with sandy beaches, coral reefs, and volcanic islands. The capital, Thierry City, is a bustling port town known for its vibrant markets and trade routes.



The Free States thrive on trade, with their central location making them a hub for commerce. The islands produce a variety of goods, including spices, tropical fruits, and textiles. The coral reefs attract pearl divers and fishermen, while volcanic islands are sources of pumice and sulfur. The Free States also engage in shipbuilding, using imported timber and metals.


The Iron Crusade


The headquarters of The Iron Crusade is located in the southern part of the Altian Ocean, on a series of fortified islands. These islands are predominantly rocky and barren, with steep cliffs and rugged terrain. The capital, Crusade Citadel, is a heavily fortified city built into the cliffs, designed for defense.



The Iron Crusade relies on the strategic importance of their location and their military prowess. The islands have limited natural resources, but they have rich veins of iron and coal, essential for their weaponry and machinery. The surrounding waters provide fish, and the harsh landscape is used for training their formidable army. Trade and tribute from smaller protectorate states also bolster their resources. Underwater mining operations have also been established, providing additional resources to support their military infrastructure.


Leidenstein Consortium


The Leidenstein Consortium occupies the eastern islands of the Altian Ocean. These islands are characterized by rolling hills and extensive industrial complexes. The capital, Leidenstein, is a heavily industrialized city surrounded by factories and workshops, known for its technological innovations and manufacturing prowess.



The Consortium's economy is based on industry and manufacturing. The islands are rich in coal and iron ore, fueling their factories and foundries. The fertile plains produce crops that sustain the population, while heavy pollution from industrial activities has severely impacted the coastal waters, making fishing unsustainable. As a result, the Leidenstein Consortium relies heavily on trade with the Yun Sacred Empire and the Thierry Free States for seafood and other agricultural products.


The Leidenstein Consortium is also a leader in underwater mining technology, extracting rare earth metals and other valuable minerals from the ocean floor, which are essential for their industrial processes and alchemical experiments. Despite the environmental challenges, the industrial and technological advancements of the Leidenstein Consortium make it a powerhouse in the region.

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Generic article | Sep 11, 2024


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