Blueforce Division

Blueforce Division is a ultra-right wing paramilitary mercenary outfit that operates exlusively with the Colonial Earth Empire. Most of the times they operate in places where the Empire is not permitted to be, pushing their authority in places under a legal grey area by most governments. They specialize is ground operational security, asset aquirement, and aggressive colonial actions. Most of the mercs in Steel Division are ex-imperial military forces, with a good chunk coming straight from the Shock Trooper Corps.   Blueforce has also known to directly recruit hardliner right-wing nationalists. Domestic Blueforce divisions often work at the request of the Imperial Nobility as security, strike breakers, or policing forces in a pinch. The Division regularly employs tactics that are considered "Warcrimes" by the governments like the Republican Remnant and the Union.   It's even rumored the Blueforce operates under the supervision of the Colonial Security Bureau, acting as a "deniable" asset in places the CSB or the Empire has no official capacity. They often are employed by Imperial colonials as protection details and enforcers, much to the chagrin of the locals.   Career BD mercenaries are typically hardened, ambitious, or desperate people who pride themselves on their work. They take on problems that no one else is willing to fix, that polished toy soldiers turn their noses up at. It’s not uncommon to find Blueforce mercs planetside and stationside, drinking and carousing in tight-knit groups, getting into scraps with other mercenaries and soldiers, or regaling audiences with stories from their latest missions.


Blueforce's organization is organized much like any other corporate entity under the capitalist Colonial Earth Empire. The executive board has a wide variety of different voices, and is composed entirely of Imperial Nobles and ex-Imperial Military officers. They operate behind closed doors, and get very little lip-service from the Imperial Propogandists.   It’s easy to join the Division, and there’s always room for advancement: Blueforce missions have high casualty rates, and survivors are quickly promoted as they display their competency. Following training, new recruits are assigned either to a local detachment or a unit matching their future specialization.   These detachments operate all over the galaxy, usually under enterprising Board Officers, with attached legal supervision. They usually operate independently of one another, in unique battalions and it is not unheard of to see Blueforce Division battling it out on some resource rich Mid Rim world.


Bluesmoke Division has wide access to military frames and equipment provided by the Corporate Assembly and the various corporations under the Imperial Authority. They mostly utilize equipment from Harrison Armory, who the Division has very close ties with.   The Division has a handful of large jump-ships, capable of bringing thousands of mercenaries to the frontlines around the galaxies. The arrival of Blueforce usually implies that the Imperial colonists and the corpo-states are not far behind.
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
The Division, Blue Boys


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