Bogoda Clans

The Bogoda clans rose through the predatory land purchases that took place in the Great Expanse. Wealthy families scooped up fertile lands on Bogoda, establishing a corporate state on the planet of landlords and worker tenants. When the Red Sun Commonwealth was founded, the Bogoda clans were funded heavily by the likes of the Colonial Earth Empire and the Corporate Assembly to create a destablizing faction in Red Sun space. They regularly train and arm the Clans, who in turn train highly elite shinobi operatives to protect the interests of the clans.   They operate a robust criminal network across the Mid Rim, smuggling weapons, narcotics, and highly trained mercenaries. Bogoda shinobi are feared throughout the Orion Arm, and usually gifted Psionic warriors. These shinobi have formed a martial class that protect the Bogoda daimyos, and profit off of the constant armed conflict that the clans engage in behind the scenes. There are nine clans, each closelyl associated with one of the Dojos of the Nine Tails, who work with all of the clans to keep the peace.  
  • Clan of Ice
  • Clan of Water
  • Clan of Mist
  • Clan of Wind
  • Clan of Lighting
  • Clan of Fire
  • Clan of Lava
  • Clan of Stone
  • Clan of Sand
Illicit, Cartel
Government System
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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