Red Sun Commonwealth

A powerful and influential collective of systems operating mainly within the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim, the Red Sun Commonwealth controls several systems and commands a relatively strong fleet of ships under its command. Though often times, the Red Sun is prone to infighting and outside influence, with the various leaders being at conflict with themselves as much as the outside influences.   Because of their nature, the RSC maintains an antagonistic relationship with all the other nations around it, regardless of what side of the political spectrum they sit on. The Red Sun Commonwealth regularly work with Shinobi, who have made enemies from Imperial Judges to Be'Teu Elders. Of course, this is only at face value. In reality, the Commonwealth cut deals with everyone in the galaxy, and Grand Admirals have been bought off as easily as the local governors and union bosses. Red Sun worlds can be radically different from world to world.   The Commonwealth have back-pedalled from their mostly idealic foundation, a consequence of constant aggressive action of the Corporate Assembly. They still resemble a semi-planned economy system, though the institutions have broken down from corruption and a discordant working class, who have regressed into a liberal capitalist bastardization of their former syndicalist nature.


The power structure of the Red Sun Republics is complex and obfuscated by years of corruption, bloat and purposefully crafted complex legislation. In reality, the republics are made up of oligarchs, smuggler coven captains, worker communes, and industrial councils, each with varying power all trying to leverage it over one another in a careful dance. Corruption runs rampant in the RSR, a byproduct of the liberalization of their markets that were once closed and shut off to the wider galaxy.   The federal government of the Red Sun resides primarily in a council called the "Nine", and each manages a different chunk of the Republic. They all work together solely to protect themselves from the outside influences like the Corporate Assembly or the Colonial Earth Empire.   The Nine are made up of the following:  
  • Ambassador of the Mining Unions
  • Ambassador of the Spacer's Unions
  • Ambassador of the Agri Worker's Councils
  • President of the Institute of Technology on Roma 
  • Smuggler Covens' Commodore, a democratically elected officer from the merchant guild
  • Commonwealth's Militia General Secretary, the supreme military commander
  • The Cerberus, a trio of industrial oligarchs
Together, the Nine convene regularly to elect a Premier, who usually acts as a mediator to the various factions within the Commonwealth. Underneath the Nine serve the various organizations that make up the greater Commonwealth and they can consist of anything from a singular city sector governor, to a whole swath of systems under the controrl of a miner's guild. The infighting within the commonwealth is prolific, as they are all looking for favor and ways to make it into the Nine, and it is a careful balancing act of betrayals and alliances that on a day to day basis the Office of Imperial Security can't even keep up. This is all masked through the obfuscation of shell companies and corporations, trade unions and worker collectives, intertwined in businesses dealings with the Corporate Assembly, the Banking Guilds , and all manner of other merchant fleets coming out of the Republican Remnant. An Imperial could look at a vending machine on Babylon and not realize that its being supplied from a company within The Great Expanse and that its produced in a factory owned by one of the Commonwealth's Nine. This means dealing with the commonwealth difficult and complicated, as they often have deep pockets and are not above bribing officials from every corner of space.   To make sure things are running smoothly, the Nine are made untouchable, and are tasked with insuring that foreign influence is not given preference. Commonwealth bosses have been executed for trying to undermine the authority of the Nine, working alongside foreign entities. The Nine in turn keeps its power through the approval of a plurarity of the people, each with a vested interest in the Nine. This keeps things mostly in line, and the regular stoking of Union energy allows it to continue to operate mostly as a semi-socialist state. However, on the fringes, corruption is rampant in the bueracracy and it whittles away at the Commonwealth's autonomy and risks regressing into a fully capitalist state.  


Resources available to the Commonwealth vary wildly from organization to organization, though the sizable pirate fleets and militia armies that make up its core are enough to scare away any reasonable Corporate Assembly or Imperial Navy admiral from pushing too hard against the Commonwealth without another boss's go ahead. The wide variety of industrial hubs, shipyards, and iso mines keep the economy of the Commonwealth churning. They biggest money makers though come from the wide availability and production of narcotics that are rather difficult to get in other sectors.


The history of the Commonwealth and the history of the Corporate Assembly are closely intertwined. The Commonwealth has their orgins in the Mercandol Spice Smuggler Covens and the working-class unions under the Corporate Assembly. These Smuggler Covens were often incredibly independent, and would regularly run imperial blockades, running distribution rings all throughout the Core Systems.   When the United Republic opened up The Great Expanse to Free Trade Zones, the larger Mercandol clans were quick to make use of republic colonial funds and laid the foundations for what would eventually become the Corporate Assembly. Those that increasingly tried to escape the reaches of the republic's influence found themselves pushed to the edge of the Expanse, on planets like Roma, worker's unions began to form militant wings, and overthrew the corps that controlled their worlds. These unions struck up alliances with the infamous Spice Smuggler Covens, and various other indpendent organizations like the Bogoda Clans, or the Bounty Hunter's Guild. This led to the rising tension that would lead to the Republic disolving, and forming the Colonial Earth Empire.   These groups of the outsiders broke off from the Empire, and waged a bloody war of independence, taking with them the space closest to the Lost Region. While the Noble Houses ignored the newly formed Corporate Assembly, they waged unending war onto the planets who rose up against the Empire as socialist worker uprisings. However, the Empire was left to fight the battles within their own borders, as Noble House struck noble house, and left the Great Expanse. They would leave in their wake a trail of glassed planets, cracked with nuclear weapons and planet-killers.   What emerged from the ashes was the Red Sun Commonwealth, a collective of independent councils, worker collectives, social clans, and all other manner of people's organizations. They may not have beaten the empire, but the empire was gone nonetheless, and they were free to rebuild out of the ashes.   The Red Sun Commonwealth would initially inspire what would eventually come to be the Union of Socialist Systems, and would be one of the first inter-system socialist government.   The Silence was not kind to the Commonwealth.   When the gates fell, and the Mechanicus Jihad began, the Commonwealth would be left totally exposed and fallen into dissaray. The Commonwealth relied heavily on the AI workforce, and seriously lacked the military power to properly protect its populace from the now extremely hostile Demon Constructs. Their fleets were laid decimated by the time the Omni-Net was formally able to be setup and the DeadNet fully walled off.   This left them open to the mostly untouched forces of the Corporate Assembly, who now turned their fleets onto the Commonwealth. While many worlds faced destruction, the Assembly was only able to hold territory temporarily. Many worlds were lost to nationalist uprisings, and many more worlds fell to darkness as they still fought the mechanicus in the dark. Pressure continued to mount, and the already loose alliance of the Commonwealth began to crack even further. Planetary Governments were couped, and lost to liberal democracies that found themselves straddling the line of corpo-feudalism. Worlds hung in the balance, awaiting support from more stable systems like Roma or Bogoda.   The Silence left a scar on the Commonwealth, and trillions under the Red Sun were killed. They were left isolated and cut off from the support of the Union of Socialist Systems.   Constant pressure from the Corporate Assembly, the Empire, and even those in the Republican Remnant. Their isolation from the international coalition has forced the Commonwealth into a predicament, and they have since come under the influence of oligarchs and despotic warlords that rub shoulders with the worker collectives and smugglers.
Geopolitical, State
Government System
Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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