
Bogoda is a rural, mineral poor agri-world located on the outskirts of the Great Expanse. Bogoda is known to the wider galaxy for exporting two infamous things, Spice and Shinobi. The Nine Bogoda Clans work closely with the Dojo of the Nine Tails to maintain a grip over the planet's population. It is a low-tech world, tucked away from the larger galaxy at whole. The Dojo of the Nine Tails maintains a network of temples and academies around the planet, tapping into the particularly high concentration of those gifted in the way. They train some of the most deadly Shinobi in the Orion Arm, who sell their skills as elite mercenaries to all manner of organizations.   Bogoda has remained fiercely independent thanks to the Nine Tails, as any entity challenging their sovereignty have had waves of Shinobi assassins killing heads of state until they finally retreat. The clans work hard to cultivate the greatest warriors, as respect and wealth is gained from the skill of the Shinobi they loan out. The Red Sun Commonwealth has made a series of agreements with Bogoda. The Commonwealth respects Bogoda's sovereignty and offers protection should they become threatened, especially by pirates or raiders. In return, the Commonwealth makes use of the Nine Tails Shinobi abroad, using them as deniable asset elite forces against the likes of the Corporate Assembly or the Empire.  

Life on Bogoda


A Farmer's Life for Me

  A vast majority of the population on Bogoda are full-time farmers. Bogoda has very mild seasons, and the growing season takes place all year long. Most of them live in rural townships and villages, shipping their goods on a vast rail network operated by the Bogoda Clans. Most spend their entire lives without interacting with a noble, let alone an off-worlder. Less than 1% of the population ever even makes it out of the Great Expanse. The local populace has very little in terms of technology, but also wants for very little. Part of it is ignorance, most only rarely see the technology available to the wider galaxy. Even the great capitol cities of the Clans showcase technology that is far behind the likes of Anatar. The other part also involves the abundance of food and shelter. Most people have a place to call home, food to put on the table and plenty of time off to enjoy the fruits of their labor.    A very small percentage of the average population seeks out the Dojos of the Nine Tails, and even fewer can pass their trials to become Shinobi. It is more likely that the Dojo seeks people out to tithe them into the organization. These select few are given robust education of the wider galaxy, alongside their robust covert training. They are conditioned into loyalty to Bogoda above all else. In the rare times Bogoda has come under threat, when the Nine Tails calls its Shinobi home, they arrive en masse. These Shinobi are then sent around the galaxy, as assassins and psionic warriors for hire.
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Security Rating 
Medium Security


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