
Exposure to the wildly dangerous Isotope-10 usually results in cancer, death, or permanent negative genetic mutation. However, in some special cases, those that survive end up stronger than before their exposure. Others are born with the gift, as their mother / father might have been exposed to Iso-10 at some point. Whatever the reason, those called Psi Touched find themselves capable of manipulating the Filaments of space that are used by the gates to navigate space.   This power manifests itself in several ways, with some Iso-Touched gaining telekinetic abilities, with others gaining those of telepathy or precognition. Some Psionics allow healing, while others allow teleportation. It has been recorded that exceptional psionic users can have skills in multiple categories, but none have been known to master them all.   The ability to use Psionics requires a proper neural chip in the spinal column. The psi-chip is extremely expensive to create, and requires special application to make sure it takes. Without a chip, the psionic powers often spiral out of control, and cancerous cells ravage the Psi-touched, leaving an average life expectancy of only 20 years. Thus, many poorer or less off denizens of the galaxy might plead with the likes of the Be'Teu Order or even try to push their child into joining the military in order to get access to the proper equipment.   Some, like the Thay Witches or the Sardania Nomads , created their own chips, circumventing the expensive corpo chips with their own rituals and specialized medicine. The chips and their origin influence how the psionic powers manifest themselves, and results can vary wildly from user to user.

  Physical Manifestations

  The psionically gifted among the Orion Arm sometimes have physical manifestations that indicate this. Eyes are a common indicator, most might have glowing yellow, blue or white eyes. Fewer have eyes that might resemble the Arm in the sky, or might even have a third eye on their forehead. Others manifest it through mutated arms, pigmented veins or protrusions of bone and flesh. Others have their skins turn shades of red, blue and green.     

Psionics Around the Arm


Be'Teu Mystic

Ascetic monks, traveling heroes, and guardians of the Way. The Be'Teu are an order dedicated to the common man, and protecting the sanctity of what is left of the universe. Mystics strive towards serving as fair and prudent negotiators and arbiters of peace.  

Imperial Judicars

Judge, jury and executioners. The Judicars are a ruthless order of Psionics that hail from the Core Worlds. They are cruel, efficent and dangerous political power players within the Colonial Earth Empire.  

Shinobi of the Nine Dojos

Shrewd ninjas, dangerous alchemists and deadly spies. The Shinobi of the Nine Dojos are scattered throughout the Mid Rim. Most Shinobi find themselves in the employ of corporate wet work departments, deniable asset government mercenaries, or operating within assassin guilds.  

Thay Witches

Ghost hunters, occultists and powerful sorcerors. The Witches of Thay are a highly secretive cult that stalks the reaches of Far Space. They hunt pre-silence objects, and often find themselves working alongside the Sardania Nomads.
Psionic abilities were first discovered in 121 Post-Gate, and it was roughly a year or two after that the first psi-chip was created. This chip allowed a whole generation of those exposed to the Isotope-10 to finally live a full life. Roughly ten years later, the first enhanced psionic chips were created, allowing psionics to really awaken their abilities, which had previously burned out previous psionics should they have tried to use them.
  A Be'Teu Mystic and Imperial Judicar duel over the fate of a Pre-Silence ruin.


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