Captain Reggie Iron

Captain Reggie Iron joined up with the cause at a young age, after his mother (a freighter captain) was killed by Imperial Navy forces. He was a key figure during the Siege of Jadotberg.   When news came around of her death, he joined up with the Liberation Front found solidarity with the local PLF forces on Thraka. He spent years sabotaging Imperial assets on the planet of Thraka, and soon became somewhat a local hero after he, and a specialized team of lancers using repurposed industrial mechs, boarded and blew an Navy cruiser out of orbit.   Following this, Iron was hunted ruthlessly by the Secret Service, and a bounty was placed on his head. The PLF, seeking to get him off world, while also keeping alive their hero, sent Reggie to the planet of Mek-Two. Following the Mek-Two incident, Reggie Iron has found refuge on Parvus.   He then re-deployed to High Sanctuary, where he runs a bar looking for ways to cut the influence of the empire on the station. He is being hunted ruthlessly by both Ambassador Sundew and the Imperial Secret Service.
Current Location
Year of Birth
216 ME 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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