
Parvus is a tiny moon orbiting a massive gas giant, two times the size of Jupiter. It is one of twelve different moons orbiting the larger planet, and is often overlooked in galactic planetary surveys. Parvus has the qualities of being resource poor, with uninteresting flora and fauna, and is difficult to traverse. This makes it a very unlikely target for resource exploitation, and thus has become one of the many hideaways of the infamous Pacifica Liberation Front. Long before the Age of Silence, some historians make the claim that Parvus was once a minor colony operated by the Be'Teu Order, and that there are temples dedicated to their beliefs scattered around the planet.   This makes it a very unlikely target for resource exploitation, and thus has become one of the many hideaways of the infamous Pacifica Liberation Front. In recent decades, it has grown to become the major command and control center for Pacifica Liberation Front. Intel passes through the outpost known simply as the Lighthouse, where highly trained hardline Front soldiers are deployed based on the ability of success. The soldiers trained here are the best of the best, and highly dedicated to the cause. This is also a mooring place for a large contingent of the PLF's more conventional space forces.   The Parvus Gate station is small, and a relic of the Age of Exploration, thought to be initially set up by the Be'Teu. It is now masked and hidden among the asteroid fields that orbit the system's star, operated by a skeleton crew of the PLF's most capable engineers. Navbox data to Parvus is highly guarded, and only granted in rare circumstances.


Radar scans are difficult to dedicate any kind of life support system present on the planet. Parvus is covered in canyons that descend tens of thousands of miles, and are hundreds of miles wide. These canyons are covered in thick arid jungles, supported by a complex system of lakes, waterfalls, and geysers that dot the planet's surface. These springs and internal aquifers fill allow for a rich diversity of ecology, despite the planet rarely being sunny. Thick fog is a regular on the planet, and humidity is high regularly due to the heat.  

The Lighthouse

  The Lighthouse is a complex system of caves, tunnels, hangars and orbital and air defense systems. It is well hidden and well protected. The Lighthouse is home to a complex naval yard, rumored to contain a warfleet capable of rivaling the firepower of an imperial flotilla. It is also rumored to contain a high concentration of Vanguard Revolutionary Forces, who work closely with the Liberation Front leadership, supposedly even deploying alongside them. Many of the PLF's special forces are all trained, and completely operate directly from the Lighthouse, utilizing the wide range of gate runners at the disposal of the rebellious forces.   Training operations here regularly recruit skilled radicalized fighters from all over Pacifica. The PLF regularly deploys "Frogmen", or recruiters, who hop from system to system hunting down and looking for skilled recruits to bring back to parvus to integrate into one of the many different units stationed on Parvus.   Operations that are run from the lighthouse include  
  • Intelligence
  • Propoganda
  • Command and Control
  • Political Wing Organization
  • Liberation Force Organization
  • Education Organization
  Many of these recruits are highly educated, whether through their own education before arriving on Parvus, or by the various educational systems directly on Parvus itself. Many of the doctors who operate under the banner of the PLF who state their education is from the Omni-Net, truly get their training on Parvus at the lighthouse. From fighter pilots, deploying from cramped gate runners, to the engineers that maintain the gate station, all manner of profession and skill is trained on Parvus. Many of the instructors are volunteers from Free and Sovereign Space, who have all heeded the call for galactic emancipation.
Location under
Owning Organization
System Gate
Yes, Restricted 
Security Rating
Medium Security


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