Rebel Fleet

The People's Fleet, or the Rebel Fleet is a migratory starship fleet dedicated to opposing the Colonial Earth Empire and its allies in the Mid Rim. It is supplied and supported by a combination of the Pacifica Liberation Front, the Ungratefuls, and elements of the Dragon Resistance. The People's Fleet has proven a regular thorn in the side of the Imperial Navy, regularly attacking Imperial assets that have over-extended into the Mid Rim. The small agile force has regularly been able to strike where the Empire is weak.   The Fleet regularly harbors leaders and senior members of the various resistance movements scattered throughout the mid rim. Advisors from the Vanguard Revolutionary Forces train and help the People's Fleet. While it is small an agile, it is still only one fleet and the Empire continues to ruthlessly hunt them. The Fleet is a way for the resistance to coordinate across dozens of systems, and thousands of rebel cells.


The Fleet is organized as a council of ministers, who are elected by the various representatives from the resistance movements. Each minister is responsible for a various aspect of the fleet, be it finances, supply, education, state, intelligence, training, diplomacy and war. Each of these ministers exerts great control over each of their own departments.


The People's Fleets gets their weapons, starships, and equipment from many different sources. These sources range from generous donators from the Republican Remnant to direct ships provided by the Union. They recruit strictly from already established rebel cells and they are notoriously strict.    Their starships range from stolen Imperial warships to casino yatchs armed with bolted-on weapons. While the ship regularly travels through the Mid Rim, they regularly anchor in systems like
Military, Navy Fleet
Alternative Names
Rebel Fleet, The Fleet


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