High Sanctuary

A crossroads in the Pacifica sector, it is a metropolitan station that is directly tied to the Interstellar Gate that allows the Fasaryr Run to continue through and spill out into further trade lines, Free Space, and beyond.   To the Colonial Earth Empire it is a bottleneck to their further expansion. Any attempt to take the station by force would surely lead to station shutting down the gate, and the empire is currently unaware of how to turn it back on, even if they were to hold the station.   So instead, the station has become a soft war of spies, money, and influence, played by all major governments in the galaxy.   However, the government here plays a careful balance, knowing that commitment to one side would force the others' hands, and lead to the stations downfall, but they also realize that they prospered long before the gate was active, and will continue to thrive regardless of whether the gate is on or not.    

The Interstellar

  The local government, in an effort to prevent the same kinds of wars and conflicts that led to the Age of Silence, founded the first Interstellar Council. This gathering body is made up of all kinds of diplomats and politicians from every corner of the galaxy. They regularly meet, debate, and trade on the High Sanctuary. The Interstellar's goal is peace, security, and to help cultivate cooperation between the growing community in Orion's Arm. They also seek the continued independence of High Sanctuary, and see their role as peacekeeper directly correlated to that independence.   The Interstellar is the galaxies largest diplomatic collective, and regularly helps negotiate trade and peace. Some argue that High Sanctuary is the key to the organization, and that the location itself forces coorperation.  

Life on High Sanctuary

  High Sanctuary is one of the oldest spaceports in the known galaxy. It's earliest records date back to the founding days of the republic. Even then, its not entirely clear who built the station, though most signs point towards the Sardania Nomads.   It is entirely self sufficient. There are five spokes, each their own city in their own right. Each of them contributes some kind of neccessary service to the station as a whole, meaning that no one ward can function without the others.   The First Ward, known as the Interstellar Ward is home to the governmental districts, and most of the embassies of foreign nations. It's understation contains the actual gate tech, including the power compressors that distribute power to the entire station.   The Second Ward, commonly known as the Green ward, contains the air intake pumps that recycle air throughout the station. This ward has the most green space, hence the name. It is home to the most residents on the station, especially around the greenspace. Massive apartment complexes, community centers, and wealthy compounds fill this ward to the brim. Vertical farms stretch up and down and provide food to the station, though in recent years they have imported more and more from the farther galaxy.   The Dock Yard is the third spoke, is as its name implies, the largest incoming docking platform on the station. It handles millions of tons of goods everyday, passing along the Fasaryr Run. A majority of the station is employed here and is home to the Valois Trading Corporation. It is also where criminal crews like the Zym Cartels and the Hydra Syndicate fight for control in a shadow war. They fight over docking bays as the violence continues to escalate.   The Fourth Ward, known as the Water Ward, is home to the water filtration and recycling plants. Massive pools of crystal clear water pour into basins from the purification centers. A modern marvel, these stations are a closely guarded secret by the Interstellar authorities. The tech here alone could be worth trillions, at least according to Imperial estimates. Rarely, when the stations have needed repair that the locals cannot do themselves, they have contracted the Union or even the Sardania Nomads. Sly Moira has been spotted many times in this ward, along with other cartel members.   The fifth and final ward, known as the Plasma Ward, is home to the capictators that keep the station powered and running. Massive long electromagnet tube stretch over the sky here. It has grown to become a nightlife center, and home to the second largest population on the station. The largest casino here, the Player's Choice, is run by Mr. Red.

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