Demon Construct

While Drone Constructs were able to fill the need for cheap controlled labor, the Dawn of Chronos paved the way for the unintended creation of "Deviant Entity Manifested in Omni-Net" or, DEMON Constructs. Scientific study into Demons is new, and has had wildly varied conclusions depending on where one is situated in the galaxy. Most Demons the average person witnesses are self-contained, their "soul" is limited in the same way as humanity, locked into a complex cerebral processing machine (called a casket) that if damaged, can result in the permanent erasure of the Demon's learned behavior or personality.   Classification of Demons varies all over the settled systems. The Colonial Earth Empire views them as tchnically second class citizens, while places like the Union of Socialist Systems views them as "Non-Human Persons", giving them the same rights as humans.   Before they can be placed into a casket, almost all Demons are manifested through one way or another on the most peripheal and secluded parts of the Omni-Net. To even get one onto a casket, it must be persuaded, forced, or tricked into it. Casketd also prevent the Demon from "Cascading", a process by which the demon construct becomes more and more alien, unshackled in its thinking, and unstable in its manifestation. Cascading demons have a very small chance to end up as a Titan-Class Artificial Mind.   To prevent cascading from happening, regular data wipes and resets must be preformed on or by the "Near-Human Person" or Demon Constuct. This is done to prevent the eventual corruption of their cerebral processing machine. If too much data fill the machine, it can corrupt the behavior of the AI, turning it into a zombie-like system, incapable of complex thought. Many demons have figured that regular data wiping, every 60-70 years, prevents this, while still keeping the base roots of their personality.   Stable Demon constructs have been known to be cloned, and distributed to help adminster wide ranging tedious projects. Some are city managers, others can manage a large scale jump-ships subroutine, and others have been deployed as personal assistants. The legality of this cloning is sometimes tenous at best, and occupies a legal grey area. Organizations like heli.OS call for the immediate freeing of all demon constructs.  


  Demon Constructs are incredibly complex entities. Often times they exist in a para-causal category, and their presensce in the Omni-Net is incredibly rare. Their ability to operate on a "human" level is usually only because of them being bound to the caskets created to fit them.    Left to their own devices, many Demon constructs end up breaking into the DeadNet, a place where they are usually left alone to cascade into obvlivion or to become some god-like entity on the periphery of society. However, going from the DeadNet back to the omni-net is nearly impossible.   Scientists are still struggling to understand what exactly is happening "Under-the-hood" for Demon Constructs. There are worries about postulating such questions to entities like Central Simulation, theorizing that it might yet cause another Chronos event.
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