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History of Spacefall

  • 2020 CE

    11 /3
    2024 CE

    COVID-19 Pandemic
    Plague / Epidemic

    A pandemic of COVID-19 has begun sowing turmoil in international politics and economy alike.

  • 2022 CE

    24 /2
    2024 CE

    23 /1

    Russian invasion of Ukraine
    Military: War

    On 24th of February 2022 Russian Federation invaded Ukraine and entered an almost two years long conflict which severly damaged Ukraine and caused the collapse of the Russian Federation due to internal strife and multiple revolutions by ethnic minorities.

  • 2025 CE

    14 /5
    2029 CE

    3 /7

    The Pan-African War
    Military: War

  • 2027 CE

    1 /9

    The Black Wednesday
    Financial Event

  • 2030 CE

    3 /12

    The Collapse of Japan
    Political event

  • 2031 CE

    3 /1

    Disbandment of the European Union

  • 2031 CE

    11 /2

    Collapse of the Central Europe
    Political event

  • 2031 CE

    27 /4

    Anarchy in South America
    Political event

  • 2031 CE

    1 /5

    Movement of Terra is formed

    1st of May 2031 saw the estabilishment of the Movement of Terra - an alliance encompassing all people who lost access to civilization due to the incompetence of the ruling elite.

  • 2031 CE

    1 /9

    The Last UN Forum
    Gathering / Conference

  • 2031 CE

    2 /9

    Terran Empire is formed

  • 2032 CE

    27 /8

    The 'Messenger' Incident
    Discovery, Scientific

    on 27th of August 2032 humanity found a strange satellite of alien origin that contained five miraculous technologies that saved humanity from extinction.

  • 2035 CE

    1 /1

    Successful test of the first ship utilising Microscale Warp Engine
    Scientific achievement

  • 2043 CE

    29 /10

    First colony on Luna
    Construction beginning/end

  • 2050 CE

    3 /4

    First colony on Mars
    Construction beginning/end

  • 2052 CE

    3 /11

    First Colony on Europa
    Construction beginning/end

  • 2061 CE

    1 /1

    Arrival at Alpha Centauri
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 2074 CE

    2 /11

    First Contact with the Anoans
    Discovery, Exploration

    Terran Empire met with the Anoan Republic for the first time.

  • 2294 CE

    Founding of VexTech

  • 2314 CE

    10 /6

    First five colonies in Andromeda
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 2322 CE

    Founding of ArmaCarta

  • 2471 CE

    23 /10

    The Order of the Morning Star is founded

    The Order of the Morning Star, an all-human NGO that is also a paramilitary atheistic order is born with an agenda of advancing the human race in every conceivable aspect.

  • 2517 CE

    6 /6

    Revolt on Nova Kairo

  • 2517 CE

    6 /6
    2523 CE

    11 /11

    The First Intergalactic War
    Military: War

    Imperial colonies in the Andromeda Galaxy, dissatisfied with the faraway government and its methods teamed up with the neighbouring alien nations and launched a revolt against the Terran Empire, beginning the First Intergalactic War.

  • 2518 CE

    30 /3 01:00
    2518 CE

    30 /3 08:00

    Skirmish over Heraklion-2b
    Military: Skirmish

    A small skirmish over the uninhabited planet of Heraklion-2b between Imperial 74th Frontier Flotilla and 31-a Skolta Floteto de Nacia Mararmeo de la Kolektivo. It ended with Imperial victory.

  • 2523 CE

    11 /11

    Treaty of Point Armstrong
    Diplomatic action

    The Collective and the Empire sign a cease-fire agreement effectively ending the First Intergalactic War.

  • 2553 CE

    24 /6

    Bombing of Hotel Imperialis
    Political event

    The bombing of Hotel Imperialis is an act of domestic terrorism commited by the rogue Kaiser Group that was formerly part of the Imperial Intelligence Service. The bombing killed a few Imperial officials as well as all of the Andromedan cabinet which came to the Empire to discuss the signatory of a full-on peace treaty and estabilishing positive relations between the Collective and the Empire.

  • 2553 CE

    1 /7
    2561 CE

    23 /3 12:00

    The Second Intergalactic War
    Military: War

    Following the bombing of Hotel Imperialis, the Collective launched a surprise attack against the Empire, beginning the Second Intergalactic War.

  • 2553 CE

    3 /7

    Battle of Heraklion-7
    Military: Battle

    The de-facto second battle of the IW2. The 2nd, 4th and 7th Fleets of the Collective engaged the Imperial 5th and 9th Fleets. The battle ended with a decisive Collective victory.

  • 2553 CE

    5 /7
    2555 CE

    1 /11

    Epictetus Campaign
    Military action

    The Epictetus Campaign was the campaign of the Collective's Navy. It's main objective was to occupy all of the Epictetus cluster to open a direct route to the Solar System. The campaign ended in Collective's victory.

  • 2553 CE

    11 /7

    First Battle of Heraklion-3
    Military: Battle

    The First Battle of Heraklion-3 was a battle between Imperial 5th, 11th and 13th Fleets and Collective's 4th, 7th, 10th and 21st Fleets. While the Collective managed to score a victory in the orbit, it was very close to a phyrric victory. Furthermore, the Collective failed to land troops on all three of the inhabited planets in the system, suffering further orbital losses due to constant surface-to-space bombardment.

  • 2557 CE

    1 /12
    2557 CE

    3 /12

    Battle of Earth
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Earth was the biggest battle of the Second Intergalactic War. Collective's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 11th and 21st Fleets launched an all-out assault on the Solar System. The Empire put to to fight its 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th Fleets and positioned them above heavily fortified Earth, Mars and Venus. The Battle lasted for three days and was a major turning point for the war, leaving the Collective on the run and ending their initiative in the conflict. Collective's 1st and 3rd Fleets were effectively wiped out as a fighting force, and all remaining fleets suffered damage that would prove irrecoverable to the Collective.

  • 2584 CE

    1 /1
    2613 CE

    26 /7 13:00

    The Million Suns Crisis
    Military: War

    The Million Suns AI arrived in the Milky Way and began a war of annihiliation against all sentient beings.

  • 2620 CE

    1 /4 12:00

    Foundation of the Intergalactic Federation

    The Terran Empire has officialy been dissolved and in its place, with the help from the Order of the Morning Star, a democractic, federal body has been established named The Intergalactic Federation.