Journey's Legg

Size A irregular earth body[1]   Classification Code A✧E   Journey's Legg was an asteroid in the Tears of Selûne. It was a highly fortified neogi base and hideout.[1]    


The asteroid was less than eight miles (13 km) across.[1]   It was also the main base of operations of the neogi in Realmspace. Nearly all neogi attacks and raids within the sphere originated from Journey's Legg.[1]  


Journey's Legg was used by the neogi as a hub in their slave traffic activities in Realmspace. Slaves captured from Toril and other nearby locations were first brought there before being sold or put to work by the neogi.[1]  


The asteroid was extremely well fortified and guarded. It was constantly watched over by at least ten neogi spelljammers of different types ready to defend it.[1]
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